Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Cassie and Codi

Hey, everybody, I just wanted to say that there is pictures of Cassie & Codi on my zoto (, and I will keep adding pictures of them. There is only a few pictures of them on my zoto now because I haven't had time to take pictures of them. And on my zoto there is only a picture of Codi, atleast for now.

I will try to put some pictures of them on my blog sometime!

Well gotta go.

Friday, November 03, 2006


Ok, hey everybody, I know I haven’t posted in a while, but I have been kind of busy.
Well yesterday we went to the doctor for my arm, you know that bump on my arm!!
And they said that if I don’t get surgery on my arm then my arm might not grow and my other arm will, or my arm bend and stay like that forever, and because the lump is there I cant bend my wrist one way and the other way I can bend it to far. So we are going to go have another opion from another doctor.
And at youth Layne said that ATF has been moved to Apirl, and now I see that, that was a good thing because If ATF was still in Apirl I would have a cast then or I would be in recovery.
So we think I would have surgery sometime in January, and I would have a cast on for 6 weeks of having it on, and 2 or 4 weeks of recovery.
But the worst part is I won’t beable to do my school.
And when we were at the doctor, the doctor said that I have more to grow.

Conner McGinnis.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

My Zoto

Well this is going to be a short post!! I just wanted to say that I got a zoto.
And if you want to check it out, it's in my links, a long with everybody else's zoto.

I'll Wright back later.

Monday, September 18, 2006

I Need A Cappichino

Well, sorry it’s been so long since I last posted, but just haven’t wanted too!!

Well I’ll try to start back up!!
Well last week we went to Adventure land, and we as in Dad, Mom, Brendon, joseph, Cahlen and my self.
Went after the marriage breakfast, and when we got there the first ride we went on, was the pirate ship one and for some reason that made my stomach hurt the rest of the day, so after every ride we went on my stomoch would hurt!! Which really stunk because that takes a lot of fun out of the sidewinder!! And all the roller coasters, it stunk!!!
And one of my favorite rides was the Invertor, and I have never been on it before, and we go every year because my dad can get free tickets from his work!! And every year Brenny and Alex would go on all the rides they saw!! And I would not!! So this year I went on some new rides (atleast they were new to me), like the first year they got the side winder, Alex and Brenny went on it and I did not, but the next year I did!! And it was so much fun!! And we go to the circus every year, and this year we were a little late (15-20 minutes late) so we missed some of the stuff, but the stuff we did see was cool!!
And Cahlen and I got bored waiting in line, so we would say yes, no, yes no for a reason, that now is really stupid, but it was fun at that time (it was nothing bad). And when we waiting in line for the Dragon (which is really fun) these to girls came up and said “can we pass, our mom is up there”, and Cahlen went “ NO you have to wait in the back of the line like everybody else” and they started to walk away, and then I saw there mom coming and I said “there’s the mom” and at that very moment Cahlen said “ I’m just kidding”, there face’s were so funny!!!
And when we were there Cahlen had a gyro, and Cahlen gave me a little piece of the meat and there was a little bit of sauce on it and it was so GOOD!!!
And my dad and me did the speed ball game, and neither of us wanted to look stupid so we did not do any thing close to a pitcher’s stance. We just through it. And I got 53 mph and Dad got 43 or 46mph.
And the last thing that happened, was Cahlen, Brenny and joseph went on the splash over, and I couldn’t because I was still not feeling good, And when they were waiting in line, it started to rain, and my mom didn’t like because she was getting really wet!!!
And I found out, that glasses stink when it’s raining!! I just kept cleaning them, and then I decided that I was just going to let them get covered in water!! And after we left Adventure land we went to somewhere, were we could get a hot chocolate, but I mixed it with a cappichino and I handled just fine!! I say that because last two times I had a cappichino I went crazy, I could not stay still, and I was talking a mile a minute!!!

And these past few weeks we have been working on Layne & Sara’s house, getting ready for the twins, and Dad and I have been really been working hard, because mom and Brenny have been doing the painting, and dad and I have been doing stuff like splitting the one big room into two rooms, and Edgy and has been helping out!! Edgy did the framing for us, so Dad and I went and hung dry wall on Saturday and did a few more things!!

And Cahlen, Brenny and I have started puppets back up. And Cahlen and I are kind of in charge of it!!

And Sunday we had youth again, and it was cool to have youth again!! Something is just wrong when there isn’t youth!! And it’s the same with the bible! There is just something wrong when I don’t read my bible!!
But I didn’t like it because Layne had me read out loud, and I can’t stand to do that because it is out of my comfort zone!! And even though Layne is allways saying we need to step out of our comfort zone!! And it’s a lot harder then it seem’s, well atleast for me!!

Well I got to go, so bye

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

To Minnisota And Back

Well our vacation started on Sunday after church, we left around 3:00 and got to minniapolis around 7:30-8:00 and I got to drive for 2 hours. And then we got to my uncle hoops and had Dinner and then went to sleep, and then in the morning we woke up at 5:30 and then left at 7:30 and drove for five hours, and I got to drive for 3 hours, and then my dad drove to the resort, and once we got to the resort it was 1:00 and we couldn’t chech in until 3:00 so brenny went swimming because they (the people who owned the resort) said that we could go and eat lunch on the beach, so brenny went swimming, and he swam to a floating dock and I tuck pictures of him. And they (the resort) had a canoe, a kayak so brenny and I took the canoe out to this island that was along way out there, and then brenny took the kayak out and then I did!! And that kayak is so much fun!! And then we got to get into our cabin and so we unpacked and then we went fishing and I caught 1 crappie and 2 northern pike, and the pike are so much fun, but the crappie fought hard!! And at the end of the day I was the only one that caught fish that day and the next day we woke up at 5:00 (on Thursday) and went fishing and I caught 3 more northern’s and then we went in for lunch and then went back out and need some bug spray so we went back and I decided to fish off the dock when they went and got the bug spray and I caught 1 more northern, and then we went back out and I lost my lure with a spinner on it because I found out that they were bitting on anything with a spinner on it!!! That I caught all my fish on, and then we went drifting and my mom caught 1. And then we weren’t and then my dad got one and it was the biggest one we caught it was 24 inchs and my dad thought there was a limit but at the lake we were at there was no limit on northern’s and we threw back all the one’s but the Crappie I caught, and it had a lot of meat on it. And on the next day we woke at 5:00 and went fishing again but caught nothing again, and when we came back everyone went inside and I kept fishing and and found our last spinner and put it on a fake a rubber fish and caught 4 more fish off the dock. But I lost the spinner. And the day before we went to a town and got another lure and that same day I lost it on some lilly pads and then the next day brenny was in the kayak and found the lure I lost. And then on Firday we went on a fun boat ride. And on Wedsday my dad let Brenny and I drive the boat, that was fun!! And Then on Friday we had to be out of the cabin at 9:00, so then we went back to my uncle hoops and then on Saturday we stopped at Cabela’s (I think that’s how it’s spelled) and stayed there for an hour, and on the way to the cabin we stopped at another Cabelas and at the first one (which is the second one I wrote about) there was a shooting range and that was fun!!
And I got to drive 3 hours home, all the way home from the second (that’s the first one I wrote about) cabela’s, we got some stuff at both Cabelas.

I will try to post some pictures of the resort on my next post!!

Well I got to, Brenny, Dad and I are going to go play some basketball.bye,
Conner McGinnis

(i wrote all this yesterday)

Monday, August 07, 2006

Just A Whats Up With Me

Well it has been along time since I last posted.
Well let’s see… since the last ime I posted I got an ipod Nano for my birthday, and it so rocks!! I use it everyday!! And since I last posted I went to those clases that talked about on my last post, and they were stupid, and so simple!!!
And since the last time I posted I got my permit and it is awesome, I got 5 days after my birthday because we had to get a new birthcertifacate and then we went and got it, and I only missed 6 but I should of only missed 5 because one of them was worded weird. And in my picture I look like a monkey!!! And my dad tried to get me to laugh, so I started to laugh and then really fast I had to straighten my face out really fast.
And right after I got my permit me and my dad went driving for 3 hours and the next dad I got to drive for 2 more hours. And tail-gaters are a pain in the but.
And the other day my dad finaly let me drive on the interstate and the trucks are freaky!!
And were going on vaction on Sunday (13th, I think) right after church, and my dad is going to drive until were out of Ames and then I get to drive from there on!!
O yeah were going to Minnesota, and go and see my moms uncle, for a couple of days and then go farther up state and stay on a in a cabin on a lake and do some fishing, that should be awesome!! I can’t wait fishing for three days and we plan on having a whole night of fishing.
And then were coming home Sunday morning, unpack and then go to church.
We will be so tired.
It will be kind of weird not being at church on Wedsday night.

O yeah and I found out that my name is spelled wrong!! my dad wanted my name to be spelled CONNER, but on my birthcertifacate says that my name is spelled CONNOR, so on my permit my handwriting is really bad because that was the first time i have ever spelled my name Connor McGinnis. But i'm still going to spell it CONNER.

Well I’ll try to post when we get back. Bye.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Well on Thursday (the 6th) we went over to Jeremy & Jessica’s house for dinner, and Jeremy made some killer pork loins (I think that’s what they were), it was so moist.
And on Thursday I went fishing at this pond that is behind us and I went over there and went fishing and caught four large mouthed bass but it was so cool because I could see the fish smiwwimg in front of me, I can’t wait for it to cool down so I can go back.

And then the next night (7th) we went over to the edgecombs for dinner and they made some awesome pork chops, it was fun, and they got some great stories.

Sunday was the pool party and that was fun, but after the pool party we went to the aquatics center that night and that was a lot of fun!! I love the red slide!! But the stupid thing is that the diving board was closed, and the diving board is my favorite thing.

And then on Tuesday I went to Cahlens for the night and day, we went swimming unttil 1:10.

And My Dad signed me up for these classes at the apple store (in two weeks). And the classes are for how to work iweb, (I’v never used I web). I wanted to do the classes on how to do imovie (I know how to us imovie just very fast) but it was all filled up.


Thursday, July 06, 2006

I'm So Glad I'm Homeschooled

Well on Saturday Layne, Brenny, Dad and I went golfing. And O man I got so mad a couple (a lot more than a couple) of times. But it was fun. I just love golf!!!
But the funny part is that my dad and I had the same score. And on Thursday Layne and Sara came over and watched Alex and Mariah open there Wedding presents. Kathy and Aaron came over to. But after they were done opening their gifts Layne, Alex, Dad, Brenny and I went outside and started hitting some golfballs and Layne sayed that I have the same form as my dad. So I thought it was pretty funny when he and I had the same score. And on every hole we had either the same number of hits or one away. But at the end of the day Layne had fifty. Brenny had fifty-five. And my dad and I with seventy.

On Sunday at youth we had a thing for the birthdays (and graduations) of this month and the last. But heres the funny part they forgot my birthday. And my birthday is this month!!!

On Monday my dad took a day off and we had a workday. So for our workday my dad and I dug out half of our small retaining wall about five feet down because it bowed out. And we did that all day. But I liked it because I got a good sweat. My dad thought I was going to pass out because my chest hurt.

On Tuesday (4th of July) Layne and Sara came over for lunch and then after lunch we went miniture golfing, or as some people call it “putt putt” and that was fun. Brenny won. He’s an awesome putter. I’m so much of a thinker, so I would go the wrong way just so I could use the hills.
And then we came home and for an hour and then went to Waukee for fireworks. They were cool but weren’t as long this year.
But before they started Dad, Brenny and I went to go get drinks at this like big group thing were all these people hang out. And when we were in line these teens got in line behind us and they were really loud. And when they were talking, they were talking about one this guys friends started going to church (I was like that’s cool) but now he can’t cuss around him, and he was saying these words that that he can’t say around him and these two girls (they totally reminded me of Lisa and Tahsa, because of how they looked, not because of what they were saying) that he was talking to were telling him words that he can use instead of cuss words and words with GOD in them.
And they were talking about all these partys and alcahol.
And latter we were talking about what they said, “ I am so glad that I’m homeschooled”
And when we were talking about where we went on the ride home, Dad and I both said that we felt like we were in an evil place because of all the alcohal and music, and all the people, and what the people were doing. It just felt wrong to be there.

But when we were there the guy said to the girls you two are short, and they said but were girls, and he said these to guys up here (me and my dad) are tall, the girls said “they look like giants to us” (that’s whhy they reminded me of Tasha and Lisa). That was awesome.

Hope to post soon.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Sunsets In Iowa

Well I’ll start on Friday. Friday Derick and Leslie (Alex’s friends from collage) came and stayed with us for the wedding, there cool. And that night was the rehearsal. And the food was awesome. And after rehearsal I took a picture of the sunset and there is an Eagle (Brenny thinks it’s a hawk, but I got in photoshop and looked at it.) it looks so cool.
And then the next day was the wedding, and that was cool and weird. And I hated wearing those cloths. I am not a dress a up kind of person!!!
And then on Sunday we went to a retirement party. And got rained on a lot.
And somebody hid behind Danial (my great aunts son. I don’t know what that would be)
And this somebody (I can’t remember who) said you’re a great shield (he’s wide and tall) and Danial said “yea, until I fart”, it was so funny.

Yesterday (Monday) we went fishing so we could have day to relax. At first we went to Badger and went there at 8:30 and stayed there till 11:30 and caught to fish two fish on bobbers and they were small sunfish so we decided to leave and got to the pond by beaver and when we got there we couldn’t fish there because there was grass growing out of the water, and there was a bunch of pieces of grass. So that was a no go. So then we went over to beaver on a jetty, and at this place there is a drop off. And when we get there my dad throws his pole out there with a bobber and he leaves to go get another pole ready (he allways has three poles) and I say “dad your pole” so he brings a small sunfish in and throws it back out there and he turns around again, and again I say “Dad, your pole”,
So Brenny grabs it and starts realling it in and it took probley five or seven minutes to bring it to were we could see what it was, and then we all yell “Catfish”. So my dad trys to bring it close to the bank, so he could grab it, but once it got in shallow water it just went crazy and started hitting its head on the rocks, and it just bit the line. And we even gave my dad a bucket so he could try and get him in the bucket it was too big to fit in this bucket. Man it was so long.
So then we all go to bobber to try and catch it again. And we weren’t getting anything on lures. But my dad did catch a 13 or 14inch bullhead. But other than that we just caught some small sunfish.
We went to that same spot two years ago and in that year we caught 4 Catfish and 3 Bullheads. And last year only one of each. But all in that same spot.
“So at the end of the day it wasn’t a bust but it wasn’t great fishing either”, that’s what my dad said. But I only caught one fish the whole day, but I had great fishing last time.
After we went fishing I came home and slept.

And I think I’m going paintballing on the 22nd for a father son thing Kevin Queener is setting up.

Here the sunset. I love posting pictures now that i know how to.

Well T2YL.

Monday, June 19, 2006

What A Weekend

Wow, I had a great weekend!!!
First on Saturday we went paintballing, and it was Layne, Alex, Dad, Brenny, Kevin, Josiha, Jesse Parker, Mark, Dan Allen and I.
And on the first game was Layne, Alex, Kevin, Dad and Dan. Against Jesse, Mark, Brenny, Josiah and I.
And on the first game it took along time to get back into my groove, so I run and hide in a bunker and then Brenny and Josiah come over and hide with me, and we’re trying to make a plan and Brenny almost shoots me in the head. And this whole time Dad and Dan are pounding us with paintballs. So we get a plan and Brenny runs and Dan shoots him, and then Josiah runs out and then back to me, so then I run and get shot out. Well we lost that one.
And on the second one, we did really good but still lost because Alex and Layne are really good and it was them against Jesse and Jesse is really good to, but alex and Layne won it for there team.
On the Third one Mark and I teamed up and guarded each other, and I took out my Dad and Dan, and Brenny and Josiah took Kevin out, and Mark got Alex or Layne out and Jesse got out, and some how we won with Mark, Josiah, Brenny and I, And then we won the Forth game to. And then we played a game called, Protect The President, and the object is to get the President (Kevin) with out having a gun, his secret sevice men (Layne, Alex, Dan and I) have to get the president from point A to point B, but we have to protect him from the assians (Jesse, Mark, Josiah and Brenny)(Dad sat this one out),
At the end we won!!! Layne and I were the only ones left at the end.
And then next game we played the same game but Layne, Alex, Dad and I were the assians, and every one else was secret service, we destroyed them, we took out all the there guys so Kevin ran for it and Alex was up on this two story bunker being a snipper, and when Kevin ran for it Alex destroyed him, Alex put a hole in his shirt, and made him do a flip, IT WAS AWESOME!!!! And evin if he would of got past Alex then my Dad was waiting for him!!
And then for the last game it was McGinnis vs everyone else, and we lost, but the ref cheated.
At the end of the fay Brenny almost shot me twice.
The weather was perfect!!!

We’re going back for my birthday, either late July or early August.

Well Yesterday we for Fathers Day we went Fishing out at Badger and I caught a 13inch bass and a huge, thick 16 1/2 inch bass. And then we came home and cleaned them, were going back some time next week, after the wedding!!!
But the worst part is that I lost the lure I was using.

Here they Are.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Bull's Eye

Well on Sunday Alex and I went and wasted some paint (paintballs) because I still had some Co2, and Alex had some paint so we went and wasted it.
So because I was in the mood, I asked Brenny if he wanted to waste some paint and he said “yes”, so we went and wasted it and then we decided to play a real game in the woods, so we each went and loaded up our hopper’s half way up, and then we went out side and got a good distance away from each other and then I said “go”. And I ran towards a tree where I could get down on my knee’s and still have a good open space were I could still see Brenny. And then I just opened fire on brenny, and he said “that they wure just flying right by his head. But then I ran out of paint. So we went and filled our hoppers up to the top. And we switched sides. And we wure both doing good. But then I bent down to hide, and let Brenny run out of paint. But then Brenny hit me in the arm but nothing broke. And then I think he hit me again, but it didn’t break, again. It was awesome. Then Brenny ran out of paint and came and begged for five paintballs and then I finaly caved in and gave him five paintballs. And I decided to stand out in the open and see if Brenny could hit me, and on his last shot he got me. Right in the thigh. But it barely broke!!!

I can’t wait to go paintballing on Saturday. I’m going to have a thousand paintballs once I get down there. I want to shoot Layne in the chest, because he says that he will not be hit that whole time that we are there. I hope it doe’s not rain when we go!!!

Well at the funeral the thing that helped me to get threw it was the fact that I get to see her in heaven. She was a great christian, she led so many people to the Lord!!!


Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Aunt Phillis

Well on Saturday I found out that my great Aunt Phillis died, and the day before my grandma called and said that her body was shutting down.
When my grandma called and said that she had died my Dad said “oo I’m sorry” and my grandma said, “I’m not, she’s in a better place”.
The worst part is that I thiink she starved her self because she wouldn’t eat, she would just spit it out, and one time her daughter Pam came to feed her, and she tasted her food to make shure that it wasn’t nasty, and so Pam tasted it and thought that it was good, and so she gave some to her (Aunt Phillis) and she didn’t spit it out so she (Pam) said “wow mom your doing good” so she gave her some more and then Aunt Phillis spit it all out. She had been storing it in her mouth like a squirrel.

So today is the thing before the funeral, and I was close with my Aunt Phillis so it might be hard for me.
But it was hard for me the last time I saw her, because she was so skinny and she didn’t have very minny teeth and she could barly talk.

She allways gave me state quarters every time she saw me, and she would collect silver dollars for me too.

One time when Aunt Phillis was younger she and one of her friends wure playing cards and her friend cussed and Aunt Phillis said if you ever cuss again I will wash your mouth out with soap, so later her friend let it slip again and Aunt Phillis grabbed her by the ear into the bath room and sat on her and washed her mouth out with soap. True story.

I can’t wait to see her in heaven!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Well it’s been along time, but I’m back. On Firday Cahlen came over and we hung out. And on Saturday it started out with us going to the Mens Meeting, and I did something that is WAY out of my comfort zone!!! And after the Mens Meeting I weed wacked, and my dad was the one who said “you should go weed wack”, so I did and when I was done he didn’t like it that I weed wacked in my good tenny shoes, and I said “you said I should go weed wack”. And I was doing it in the rain, and it isn’t a good Idea to weed wack in the rain when you’re sweating!!! I had a million bug bites. And then we went home and got ready to go to Mariah’s graduation cermony. And then to get some stuff for the Hog Roast, and then to Mariahs graduation reception, and hung out there for a while, and then went home.
On Sunday after church we came home and I slept for an hour, and then we went to the Hog Roast, and the food was good (like allways), but not a lot of people stayed because it was so hot, and after eating Cahlen, Alex and I played a game of football against 12 little kids (we did some good plays) And then when the both teams were tied (they got the first point) and they said that it wasn’t fare, we said that there was 4 of them for every one of us. Now I think that’s fare. So we got 2 got two of there players, and they got Tom, and it wasn’t fare then, so then we made a rule that Tom could not run the ball from the start.
And then we went over and played volleyball (I love volleyball), I’m not very good. I like being on Laynes team. I wish I could play it more.
And then later Cahlen had a bottle of water and would put water in the lid and dump it on people (teens), and then later to get Cahlen back, Leah, Lisa and Natasha dumped water and ice down his back. And then this whole thing (water war) broke out and some how I got in-volved with it. And they (Natasha) got me good because Cahlen was gone. But I’m going to get them back goo!!!!!!!
And on Monday we put up our pool, and got ready for the new floor.
And Last night we went and saw "Over The Hedge", that is an awesome movie if you have time to go see it, GO SEE IT.

Well that all I got, so bye.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Wow it’s been along time since the last time to post. I really haven’t had anyhting to post about, but now I do!!!

Well lets start on Friday, so Friday was the youth camp out, and Layne said that there was a pond there and I was like “sweet” So when I got there I went and threw my pole in and after about ten casts I caught a 13-14in bass but man it was a pain in the butt to get it out of the water, because I was in this really hard spot to fish, so after I caught the bass I moved over to a more open spot and then when I was casting my jig got caught in a tree and I lost my favorite jig.
Later in the night we played Capture The Flag and it was Kevin’s youth group vs ours, Layne, Alex and I were like the ultimate guards, and then we had Shane join our elite force, and we were the most ultimate elite force ever. So then after capturing 4 or 5 of there guys, Layne, Alex and I went out to get there flag, and we snuck all the way around the back of there flag, and then Alex and Layne find out that the game was over and didn’t tell me, so I snuck all the way down to 10-15 feet in front of every body and the fire and hear Layne talking so I come out of hidding, and then about 10-15min later Alex and Cahlen come out and say “where have you been” and so I told them. And that was the second time they did that because earlyer they couldn’t find me, and the whole time I was just up by the house.
Man I was tired that night, I just kept sitting in a chair and talking to Cahlen and then everybody would come over and sit by us, and that makes it hard to fall asleep, and a couple of times I tried to go to sleep and Cahlen kept knocking the chair over (he did it a couple of times) so finally I just layed on the ground. And then some time between 2:00 and 3:00 everybody went to sleep, and I was fine with that. I slept by the fire and so did Cahlen, and as Cahlen would everyone else came over there just because we were there, I think it was just because it was by the fire.
And at the camp out somebody took my pillow and used it, and then left it there.
But over all the camp out was a blast!!!

On Saturday I slept for about two hours and then that night Layne asked me if I wanted to go fishing and I was like “heck ya” but when we got there it wasn’t very good fishing I caught, 3 fish, and Layne caught 1, all of them were bass.
Layne's awesome to go fishing with, Layne allways makes me laugh, I mean it's impossible to not laugh with him.

Man it’s hot out, I want to put up our pool so bad, but because of all the stuff we’re doing (mostly wedding stuff, and some house re-modeling) I don’t think we will for a while

O man I took an awesome picture to day, I mean it is just so cool. I wish I knew how to post pictures so that I could show you, because I know most of you are probably saying, it probably sucks!!! But it doesn’t!! I made it the screen saver on the computer.

Well that’s all I got.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I love the rain!!!

WOW, it is so much fun to fish in the rain!!! Last night (Monday) Layne & sara came out, so Sara and my mom could do some wedding stuff and Layne asked me and Brenny if we wanted to go fishing and we said shure. So we packed up and we went to the pond that we allways go to. And when we got there, it started to sprinkle a little bit, and we said o the fish should be bitting, but they weren’t, so Brenny go’s to the other side of the pond, and then Layne pulls out a 13-14 inch bass and then Brenny pulls out a 11-12 inch bass. But then Brenny comes over puts it in this metel net thing, and tells us how he caught it, he was lifting up his shirt and doing some kind of a dance and song. Layne and me made so many jokes!!! We think the fish thought Brenny was submitting to the fish!!! And then me and Layne weren’t catching thing for while so we went over to the side that Brenny was on, (Because on Saturday Layne, Sara, Mariah, Alex and I went over to the pond and to the spot where Brenny was and we were catching them Ok) so we go over there, and then about 5min later it starts raining good and as soon as it doe’s Layne gets a fish and 2 seconds later I get a fish!!! And were gettinf them off and then Brenny gets a bit so were all getting them off I throw mine back out there and BOOM I got another one but as soon as I get it out of the water its mouth ripped (5 times that happened, Layne kept giving me crap that I lost five fish) and by this time it is raining HARD!!! Layne and I want to go the next time it rains!!!

We went fishing Thursday too and we had some Ok fishing, I had great fishing!!! I caught a 16-inch crappie it was BIG.
Saturday night was OK fishing.

I love jigs!!! I hate bobbers, I can’t beleave that I used to use bobbers!!!

OK doe’s anybody use there blogs any more but Kim and Alex And the new bloggers?

Conner/Gentle Giant

Monday, May 01, 2006


Ok, yesterday the youth group went ice-skating. And man is it hard!!! Karen Helgren is really good.
I’m really bad. Layne is pretty good. It’s harder than normal skating!!! But it was fun!!!
And I only hurt my self in one spot, my arm. O man does it hurt. And one time Sara pushed me to the ground, twice!!!
O and I kicked Cahlens but at chess!!! Before we left for the ice rink me and Cahlen played some chess and every body stood around and watched and it was so funny. They must have been very bord. And then when we came back Cahlen and I played some more chess and again every one watched us again. It was funny!!!

O I can’t wait, in three weeks I think the youth is going to do a camp out. And that will be my last youth event with out Brenny. But Brenny is trying to push his way in.

Well today is my arm thingy. At the skating party every one was feeling it, and saying how weird it is!!!
I wonder if it will ever go away!!!

And I now have a mypraize. What is a mypraize you ask? Mypraize is a christain myspace. But right now there in a lawsuit because some says they came up with mypraize first. So it’s going all wack, the blogs don’t work and the chatrooms don’t work.
And some times it locks you out of all the editing stuff while you’re in it. Or something like that.
O and my address is
But I’m not done editing it yet and getting it all worked out.

O and Angie Queener got a blog. Its on my on links.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Where Am I !!!

Ok last night we were sitting around and I grabed the phone book and was just looking around in it. And I decided I would find out if our phone number was in Earlham or Redfield. Because we have a Redfield phone number, but an Earlham address. So I was looking in Redfield first and saw that we weren’t there, so I went to Earlham and saw that we weren’t there eather, so then I went to Adel, and we weren’t there eather. So then I told my mom and she said let me see that, but before she gets it Brenny grabs it. And he says”Conner’s right”. So then my gets it, and she looks it over for a while, and then my dad comes out and my mom says, “ Conner discovered that we are not in the phone book”

So boo yah to me. Every one doughted me but I was right.


Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Chiminy Christmas, is’t it supposed to be spring and allmost summer. And it is snowing. We were just fishing on Friday and Saturday and were catching stuff, and now it’s snowing.
And it was 70 yesterday. This is just not right!!!

Well today we went to the doctor because I have this big lump in my right arm. So we went there and when the doctor finaly came, he saw it and couldn’t figure out what it was so he sent me to get an X-ray. And when he was walking out the door he said I’ll have to go and look in the book to see what is. So I come back from the X-ray room. And about 5-10 minutes go by and he comes back and says give me a pheew minutes, and he was holding a book. And then he comes back and says he went and asked another docter and she didn’t know what it was either, So he shows me the X-ray and says he called another doctor (lets call this doctor, doctor 3), and doctor 3 said that it was a plate thingy, that you get it after or before a growth spurt. Doctor 3 wants to make shure that he is right. So we are going to his place on Monday.
Why is it that all things that happen to me, happen to my arms?
And they sent the X-ray home with me so that I can take it to doctor 3. And on the folder that the X-ray was in there was a couple of names writen on it and I was looking for Lisa’s. Because you’d think Lisa’s would be on it, maybe it was on a different folder.

Well T2YL.


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Here Fishy Fishy Fishy.

Sunday night we went fishing again amd Brenny caught 24-30 bass and most of them were 10 inchs and a couple of them were 6 to 8 inchs.
Dad and me together caught 12-20 fish.
Every time Brenny threw his pole in he caught something and me and Dad where catching nothing for a long time.
One time Brenny dove for his pole because it was going in to the water, and poled out 16-inch bass, maybe 17 inchs.
At the end of the night we had five keepers, I caught a 2-3 pound bluegill and it was thick, and a bass that was a little over 12 inchs.
And Dad caught a 12-inch bass.
And Brenny caught a 12-inch bass and his big 16-inch bass.
But we threw them back. We don’t keep them unless we catch 12 keepers.
And around 7:00 we started to see these holes in the water, so we looked closer and saw that they where crappie laying there eggs. And so we watched them and they would chase all the fish away. But they were BIG crappie.
One time Brenny threw a small bass over close to them, when the bass was still on the hook and the crappie attacked him, it was funny.

Where going back this week with Layne.
I can’t wait!!! I think were going on Thursday or Friday.

And we went fishing last night again but not to the pond, we went to this place Jeremy told us about, I think its called Ceedar Lake.
And we went out there for about an hour, and the only thing we (Dad) caught was a 6-inch bass. And that night I was said that, “that place was a bad fishing spot”. But the cool thing was we saw this huge fish jump out of the water, and then we saw a whole bunch jump out all over the place. It was pretty cool. But the only bad part was that we wern’t catching any of them.
So this morning my Dad called and said that place was contaminated, with some junk from the farms around it.

And on Sunday I found out that I have to be an usher for Alex & Mariahs wedding.
I think that ushers and candle boys are just there so that the if the groom or the bride have people that they don’t want in the wedding but kinda have to put them in the wedding they can.
That’s just what I think!!!

T2YL (talk to you latter).


Saturday, April 15, 2006

Cappie Are My New Favorite Fish!!!

Yesterday was awesome!!!
First my Dad went to work for a couple of hours and then he went to Shceels (i think thats how you spell it) and got some fishing stuff, and then came home and we packed up the car with the fishing stuff.
And then we went over to Beaver Lake and went to this spot that you kind of have to take a walk to get to. And most of the time we allways catch something. Usely we catch Catfish, lots of bass, Bullheads and Sunfish; we catch them at this spot because there is a big drop off.
Well when we got to this spot we threw our polls out there, and I used a jig and Brendon, Mom and Dad used worms and minnows,
And we were out there about 30 or 40min, and then I caught a 10 1/2 inch bass, and then about another 20 or 30min went bye and we caught nothing, and it was really windy so it was just not a good day at beaver. So we went to this farmers pond that Dock Pierce told us about, and he told us that it was awesome (my words not his) so we went over to it, its not like it was much of a drive it was right next to it. So we went over there and I threw my pole in and 5min after it was in the water my pole went straight under and I brought it in and saw that it was a Crappie, and we got it up and and put it in the water on a string. So after we got it on a string I ran to the car and got this metel cage thing and when I got back (the car was a run away) Dad had caught another Crappie.
We didn’t take all the stuff to the car at first because we hadn’t ever been there.
And we were catching them 10 feet out and they were bitting like crazy for the first hour and then the bass started bitting for the next hour.
At the end of the night we had 7 big plate sized Crappie and 2 huge Bass and 2 ok sized bass.
Before we left I thought we should keep them and every one else said that we should toss them and then once we tossed them Dad said that we should of kept them because the Crappie were HUGE.
And one of the bass was 14 or 15 inchs long.
Layne wants us to take him there tonight or tomarrow night.
And the wind doesn’t get the water there and that’s awesome.
And reel kept coming off.
And my Mom kept loosing the fish it was funny.

Crappie are my new favorite fish.

My Mom and Dad rock!!!


Monday, April 10, 2006

You might think its stupid... But its really hard

Well todat we didn't go fishing because it was to windy.

Today Layne called and asked me if I wanted to go and play some golf and I said yes.
So we went and played 9 holes.
And Layne started and he hit it a little to the right.
And then I hit it perfectly strait and it was awesome, but at the end of the hole we had the same score and on the second hole Layne destroyed me, and on hole 3 and 4 he destroyed me but on the 5th hole I got one less par than Layne.
And I think on the forth hole I got stuck in a sand doon and it did the same thing on the 7th hole.
On the 8th hole I hit the ball so hard, that it went half way and then I hit it again and I think I hit to far, because we coundn't find it any were, I think it went in the water that was behind the hole.
And on the 9th hole I hit the ball so far that it went 5 feet in front of the hole, don't I rock. (so dose Layne for putting up with me)
I want to go again some time because it is so much fun!!!!!!!!
I want to go when Alex is home.
I would school Alex,and Layne would school me.
I hope he takes me again some time, I hope when he dose it will be with Alex.
And up there where I'm talking about the game I'm not as bad as it sounds. I think I beet him in 3 or 4 holes and we tied on one and Layne beet me one 4 or 5.

And if you think golf is easy go and play with Warren, he will mop the floor with you.

Well I think where going fishing on Friday.


Thursday, April 06, 2006

Fishing Time

Well today we (Brendon,Dad,Mom,Kenzie and I) went and got some stuff (2 dressers and a bed)(heavy stuff, it was kinda like real wood) for Alexs room.
And after we got the stuff, Dad went to the church and did his music.
And when we got home did yard work.
And tonight we are going to watch "yours mine and ours".
Kenzie is staying with us and last night she slept with me and she kept kicking me.
tomorrow Alex, Mariah,Layne, and Sara will sleep the whole time they are here (they went to an ATF in Detroit).
And Monday we are going fishing I can't wait.
Where going because I got a free day of fishing, on the day that I choose but it is Dads idea to go on Monday, and the lake that I want to go to.
So I can't wait.

Sorry its been so long, I will try to post more

Well that's all I got.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

I have great reflexs... But there a little stupid

Well wensday was cool.
Played some basketball with Brenny and I won like 5 games out of six, then after some amount of time we went to church and praise and worship was cool, and then my mom preached and she did a good job, you could tell she had the nervis at first but once she got in her groove she was just fine.
And i droped a 25pd brick on my knee.
Well i was getting the bricks off of the basketball hoop (the bricks hold it down) and i was getting them off with one in each hand and one was slipping so i threw one and the other one fell and i tryed to catch it with my knee (stupid me).
After church we came home and watched "LOST" (that show rocks).
OOO i should say what happend on Tuesday. Well on Tuesday Mariah came over (like allways). And we watched the "UNIT"(that show rocks to).
Today nothing happend but the cool storm (storms rock)
and Mariah is over here (of course she is).

I hope this picture works!!!
Tell me if it dose or dose not!!!

Well Saturday layne & sara are coming over and watching some b-ball.

Well thats all i got to say,

Monday, March 27, 2006


Sunday was awesome first we went to church and praise and worship was cool, and it was not 1/2 bad.
After church Layne & Sara came over for Dads birthday,
Right after they got there Layne, Alex and Dad came out side and the four of us played a game of basketball (that was fun. I so badly want to start playing again).
Right before we were playing we were just shooting it and Brenny was out there, and some how a ball bounced over and hit him in the face (I think some one missed a shot and the bounced over and hit him in the face) and so it was bleeding and we were all huddled around him and he just pulled out the tooth that was bleeding.
After he went in side, we (Alex, Dad, Layne and me) played a game of basketball and it was me and Alex vs Layne and Dad, I guarded Layne and Alex got my Dad, yae they won.
It wasn’t fare, my Dad got all the rebounds, and Layne is fast, and at first I played ball hog and that’s why we lost.
I think the score was 16 (me and Alex) 21.
After the game we went in side and had some lunch (we had catfish).
After lunch we watched some basketball and Goerge Mason won, and after watching some of the game we went to Jordan Creek and my Mom got an ipod nano.
She’s wanted to get one ever since I had Lisa’s (I put songs on it).
That place rocks!!!!! When we were there we took some cool picture's. I'm gonna see if Alex can help me put it on my blog.
And after we got home I saw that Florida won, so the final four teams are Goerge Mason, Florida, LSU and UCLA, I’m going for Goerge Mason and Florida.
After we saw who won we went back out side and played one more game of basketball but this time Mariah and Brenny played. The teams were, Layne, me and Mariah vs Dad, Alex and brenny.
Mariah did pretty well, she kept Brenny bizzy. My Dad was hard to guard. And it was hard to play on such a little place with so many people.
Dad and me want to start playing again (we use to play with about 8 guys from church).
After we were done we went inside and had some grub and then Layne & Sara left, and after they left Mariah, Alex, Brenny, Dad and I went down stairs and played some pool,
And then Alex took Mariah home.
Today I woke up and just had to lay in bed for little bit because my back hurt so bad,
I think it hurt from jumping and trying to block Laynes shots, and from trying to get rebounds and block my Dads shots, I’m going to ask him tonight if he can crack it.
I forgot to post last night, if I would of, I would of had a perfect week of posting.

Well that’s all I got to say,

Saturday, March 25, 2006


Well I found a new team and they lost.
Last night we (me and my dad) watched some more b-ball and I found a new team I like,
the team is Washington (wash.) I like them because of there center, because there center can make 3pointers, and I like centers that can make 3pointers.
Last night was the best game I have ever watched, the game started at 9:10 and ended at 12:00 and it was like a pro game the score was 98,92 and wash. Could of won but Applebee messed up, but man that was awesome, wash. Should of won.
So now I don't know who to go for, I don't like any of the teams that are left.
I might go for Texas.

Well tonight I'm going to the youth movie thing.
I wonder what movie were going to watch?
Well today is day 6.

B-ball rocks!!!


Friday, March 24, 2006

West Virginia University/ update

If you don't like basketball do not read this part, but read the second part.

Well First Duke lost then the awesome WVU lost,
Well I'm not a big Duke fan but I like them, there like my 2 favorite team and as you should know by now WVU is in the number one in my book.
Last night all the teams that I wanted to go on lost, First Duke then WVU and then Gonzaga, man what a bad night.
That was awesome how they were down in the half by 12 and then WVU makes 8 points in one minute, THAT WAS AWESOME, but they still lost by that little bit,
that was so awesome how Pittsnogle made that last shot!!!, but then Texas came down and put one away with the guy who had done so bad the whole game won it for them.
And then Gonzaga who should of won lost.
So all the teams I liked are out

OK know more b-ball for now.
Wow 5 days in a row.
Well today we went to lunch for my dads birthday ( I know it sounds weird, him treating us for his birthday) and we went to Mexican and they were singing happy birthday to this girl and we wanted to have them sing to dad, but we were one day to late.
Tonight me and dad are going to watch some b-ball.
Me and dad are going for the underdogs now since all our teams are gone.


Thursday, March 23, 2006

What's up/ birhtday day/ past birthday

What's up no one but Kim reads my blog.
If you read my blog you would have seen that I changed my blog address because I hate words mixed with numbers, its just one of my many pet peeve's, so I changed it, from connermcginnis92 TO connerlawrence.
WOW I have posted 4 days in a row.
Tonight were going to Layne & Sara's to watch the DUKE game, I'm not shure who to go for, because if DUKE wins and WVU wins than they both have to play each other and they are my to favorite teams in the NCAA.
OK today is my dads birthday( witch is why I think its wierd were going over to LAynes on dads birthday, get were I'm going here) and Monday was Laynes (happy birthday), there is 4 birthdays in the church today, my Dad, Kathy Benny, Jessica, Zack.
Well Alex comes home on Sunday and that means another person, loud yes, likes only peanut butter, yes, has not eaten anything but peanut butter when she comes is over, yes, has turned down lots of awesome meals, yes,
likes my brother, yes, thats right Mariah.

Well nothing else,


Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Well it is done.
I hope you read my last couple of posts, because i put my new address on one of those posts, so if you didn't your loss.

Well tonights church and i hope sound go's well, and then there's the preaching.
Well thats all i got to say so bye,


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Snow or Snow

Well today was fun, I went out side around 11am and took some pictures, because when i'm bord (witch is allmost al the time) i mess with some pictures and so far i'm running out of pictures, so i went out side and took about 140 pictures and then ten more of Mackenzie & Brenny, and out of those 140 i got like three good ones, and at the end of my post i'll show you them.
OOOO man i have had so many head-echs, i think its from my glasses.

This is my favorite one.

If you look at this one it looks like the trees go in a circle (the bottom one).

These two are the the top two.
Well thats all i got, so bye.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Four Eyes

Well on Wensday Ryan showed me how to run sound better, so now I think I'm 1/2 way to doing sound ok.
And on Friday Target called and said that my glasses were done. And then that night Mariah and I watched the Edgecomb and Guthrie's kids.
And on Saturday we went and got my glasses and after that we went and looked at a cameras for Layne & Sara. And after we looked at cameras we went and got a couple of things for sound from the Guitar Center (that place rocks) (they have some sound boards that are Awesome, and then there were some that were a lot of money ) and after we got what we needed we went to the church and fixed my Dads mic. And Laynes mic.
And on Saturday I got a shirt that said "Kiss Me I'm Irish"so I wore it on Sunday and Kathy Benny, Mick Mack and Stacy phow (I think that's how you spell it) tried to kiss me but Stacy was the only one that got a kiss of, that wasn't family related, my Dad got me to.
And when i got to church the first thing cahlen said was "YOU LOOK A DORK!!!"(because of the glasses) and I said " you just want them"
All day Sunday I just slept and watched basketball. Go West Virginia.
And at youth we had a birthday thing for every one in youth that has a birthday in March (there is a lot of people in the church that have birthdays in March).
And every one in youth found out that for some weird reason Natasha is afraid of cotton balls, yes that's right cotton balls, and if your afraid of cotton ball and have a brother in youth, your gonna get it, and if cahlen is in youth, your gonna get it.
And after ice cream and cake we went and took some funny pictures.
And after youth my Dad told me that West Virginia is in the same bracket as DUKE, the best team ever. So if West Virginia( WVU) wins there next game then they have to play DUKE. But the next team WVU (West Virginia University) plays is Texas or Texas
St. I'm not shure, but WVU should be able to beet them no sweat.
I like WVU because there whole team can hit three pointers. And that's what I like to do. Even WVU center can hit three's. So good luck WVU.

That was so bad when IOWA lost, NorthWestern just got lucky.

Well the hardest thing about whereing glasses is that when you sweat the noise piece keeps sliding.
Like today I went down stairs and got Alexs room ready and I was down there for two hours and my glasses kept sliding.
Speaking of cleaning, I'M COURSED, I cleaned our whole basement(and we have a big basement), I just couldn't stop it was awesome. So now we don't have to do it on Saturday.
I guess thats why my room is never dirty, Cahlen calls me a girl because my room is never dirty.

It is so cool to see far away!!!

On Wendsday i'm going to changing my blog address to

Well that's all I have to say so bye.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Weekend update

Well its been a while since I last posted, so I will just start on Saturday.
So on Saturday we did some work, layed some seeds, planted some trees, pulled up some crab grass and nothing else really happened. But Sunday is a whole different story. First it started with that stupid mic of my dads, and it did help that, that channel is the worst channel ever, and after church I wanted to fix it but there was a miny meeting going on in there so I didn't get it done. So then I figured I would do it at youth but then we had youth in the back so I had to get the ipod hooked up and then there was a couple of channels that didn't work, so I didn't get it done.
Well in youth Layne kind of finished up on going out into our schools and sharing the gospel, but since I'm homeschooled I don't really fit in that group, but maybe if I play sports this year I can.
But the best part of youth was the worship, I don't know what it was but for the first time in a long time I was really really really into worship, I mean I've been into worship before but His presence was there like never before and for the first time in a long I got on my knees and was worshiping, so basically youth was AWESOME.
But Layne was mean to me (I think) said I was a math geek and I think he was making fun of me, because if you are going to say some is smart in our youth group its Mariah,
not me. And at youth Layne read this really cool verse, if you want to read it go to Laynes blog.
So after youth I went home.
Nothing happenend yesterday and nothing happend today, right now i'm watching "american idol" and Simon is really nice tonight.
And i forgot to watch "the unit" i hope its on Saturday!!!.
See yae,

Saturday, March 11, 2006


Well if your birthday was yesterday(March 10th) you share it with Chuck Norris him self.
So here are some Chuck Norris facts.

1. If you ask Chuck Norris what time it is, he always says, "Two seconds till." After you ask, "Two seconds to what?" he roundhouse kicks you in the face.

2. MacGuyver can build an airplane out of gum and paper clips, but Chuck Norris can kill him and take it.

3. Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.

4. Filming on location for Walker: Texas Ranger, Chuck Norris brought a stillborn baby lamb back to life by giving it a prolonged beard rub. Shortly after the farm animal sprang back to life and a crowd had gathered, Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked the animal, breaking its neck, to remind the crew once more that the good Chuck giveth, and the good Chuck, he taketh away.

5. There are no disabled people in the world. Only those people who have felt the wrath of Chuck Norris.

6. The first rule of Chuck Norris is, you do not talk about Chuck Norris.

7. Chuck Norris was the Fifth Ninja Turtle, but he was kicked out when he refused to wear a protective shell and continued to maintain that "Roundhouse Kick" was the only weapon he needed.

8. It was once believed that Chuck Norris actually lost a fight to a pirate, but that is a lie, created by Chuck Norris himself to lure more pirates to him. Pirates never were very smart.

9. If Chuck Norris were an Olympic athlete, the Olympics would be canceled. Every four years they would just mail Chuck Norris his 237 gold medals.

10. Chuck Norris once took sleeping pills. They made him blink.

11.Switzerland isn't really neutral. They just haven't figured out what side Chuck Norris is on yet.

12. The first lunar eclipse took place after Chuck Norris challenged the sun to a staring contest. Chuck Norris always wins.

13. Bullets dodge Chuck Norris

14.Chuck Norris once played Jenga. The result was the Empire State Building.

15. Chuck Norris once fought a bear simply because it dared to grow more body hair than Chuck Norris.

16. Chuck Norris once roundhouse kicked Bruce Lee, breaking him in half. The result was Jet Li and Jackie Chan.

17. Chuck Norris was sending an email one day, when he realized that it would be faster to run.

18. If you see Chuck Norris crying he will grant you a wish, if your wish is dying.

19. When Chuck Norris exercises, the machine gets stronger.

20. Similar to a Russian Nesting Doll, if you were to break Chuck Norris open you would find another Chuck Norris inside, only smaller and angrier.

21. The reason newborn babies cry is because they know they have just entered a world with Chuck Norris.

22. Chuck Norris refers to himself in fourth person.

23. Chuck Norris does not leave messages. Chuck Norris leaves warnings.

24. Cars were invented to have a faster way of fleeing from Chuck Norris. Not to be outdone, Chuck Norris invented the car accident.

25. When Chuck Norris was in middle school, his English teacher assigned an essay: "What is Courage?" Chuck Norris received an "A+" for writing only the words "Chuck Norris" and promptly turning in the paper.

26. Chuck Norris can speak braille.

27. When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.

Well thats all the chuck facts I got now.
I got my glasses last night, well I don't have them yet but I will have a week from Monday, I will have a picture of them on my blog once I get them.
Got to go bye,


Thursday, March 09, 2006


Well today I got my eyes checked and this is what I think Dr. Broek Said that I've got 20/70 vision and then my dad says that he has 20/60 vision so I think I miss understood what Dr. Broek said, but the best part was when I could read the smallest line on the chart, it was so awesome, and after I was done getting my eyes checked me and my Mom went and looked at some glasses, but they did not have a very big selection so we left that place and went too target and looked at some glasses and I found a pair that I liked, and they were the kind that have the clip on sun glasses and that would be like a super bonus, but they were pretty small but they were still pretty cool, and then there was some glasses that were kinda rectangle and I kinda liked them, but I think I like first ones the best.
Another favorite was when Dr. Broek showed me what my vision is and what my new vision will be, that was totally awesome.
So now I will be able to see what any buddy on the stage says to do, like when my mom or Layne tell me to turn them up I will be able to see what they say to do and I won't have to look like a dork to see!!!
Tomarrow we are going to look at more glasses and maybe get some and so i might have some by Sunday or Wensday.

And from now on I think I will put on a picture at the end of all of my posts.


Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Well I know it’s been a long time since I’v posted but I’m posting now,
So were should I start.
Well I think I will start on Friday, ok on Friday I killed a possum for eating our cat food (with my pellet gun) and that night Brenny went to a birthday party and Troy slept with me, and he slept the whole night.
And on Saturday Brenny came home around 10:15 and he slept allmost the whole time he was home, but the funniest part of the day was when Brenny went and got ready for church. I was just laying on the couch and he went and got ready for church. He thought it was Sunday but it was still Saterday and then he threw the hair brush in the toilet, LOL.
And on Sunday after church Cahlen came over and we played pool and then we went to youth, and after youth I came home and we finished watching “Just Like Heaven”.
And on Monday nothing much happened in the day, but at night we watched “Walk The Line” and that is a good movie and so is “Just Like Heaven” but I like “Walk The Line” better, mostly because I did not see all of “Just Like Heaven” my dad just told me had happened at the beginning.
And then on Tuesday nothing much happened.
And now here I am. Tomarrow I’m going to the place were I get my eye’s checked, I wonder how bad my eye’s are?
And I have stat counter, If you want to see it just go all the way to the bottom.


Thursday, March 02, 2006

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Cut the Rope

Well Monday I watched “deal or no deal” like I said I would (and I liked the guy that was on) but Brendon was saying this show is stupid (because he wanted too go play pool) all they do is get free money and his favorite thing too say was” just take the money.” And then there’s Dad he does not like the show but he watches it. STORY TIME, in December when the show first was on we (Dad, Mom, Brendon and I) were Christmas shopping and Alex stayed home, so we were at Kohls and Dad and I went into get Brenny a Christmas present, we got it and Dad tells me go to the car so I said ok and went to the car When I get out there I find out that they (Brendon and Mom) were listening too Alex on the cell phone tell them what was happening on “deal or no deal” and then after a bit Dad come’s out (and Dad thinks this is the dumbest show ever) and we tell him what we were doing(I think or we hid it for a little bit and finaly he found us out, I can’t remember) and so guess what he said “how much money is the banker offering him (remember this is the guy who hate’s this show) and I don’t know if he let us keep listening so we would not ask questions about what he was doing, who knows. STORY TIME OVER.
Well I’ll skip Tuesday and go right on too Wednesday on Wednesday I went outside (but not Monday or Tuesday) and it was super nice, (70) fishing time and I spent like three hours outside and then went too church and for some reason my ears hurt and I couldn’t hear so I would have to pop my jaw and listen and and try and fix it in three minutes and it kept getting harder to pop my jaw so I don’t have a clue if it was good, I’m guessing it was not to great(and Sara,Guthries it was not good on Sunday). Like always after church we came home and watched “Lost”(it was was not a very good episode. All it did tell you a few things but those few things were good, just not great) and well today I woke up at 8:00 and 9:00 we left to go to the place were my Mom had surgery on her knee so she could have a check up and when she was getting her check up I taught Kinzie how too play “rock, paper, scissors” but she plays it rock, paper, scissers, cut the rope and she always wins with cut the rope and then we went to look at some more flooring (wood flooring) and then we came home and here I am.
Well not too much more to say.


Monday, February 27, 2006


Well hello again, sorry it has been so long, I haven’t posted in a long time because there was nothing too post about and I’v been doing some reading, right now I’m reading “This Present Darkness”(bye Frank Peretie) it is a good book,with couple of slow parts but that’s ok.
Not too much going in right now, I am a little dissapointed that the Olympics are done but now I can start watching normal TV again, that won’t be so bad.
Well on Thursday we went for my first time too the Adel library, that place is not bad,
On Friday we went to town to look at new wood flooring (personally I like darker colors) first we went too archers then home depo and then home watched some Olympics and then on Saturday layed around and was lazy (not my mom she cleaned the basement and it looks nice, won’t stay that way for long and then Dad went to the church to get music ready and me and my Mom watched some of a movie and then she left for worship practice and then after they got home we played some pool ( I think) and then on Sunday I woke up at 6:30 fell back asleep and then woke up at 7:00 and fell back asleep again and then woke up 7:45 and stayed up and then we went too church( sound was all wack) and then it mellowed out it still did not sound good but ok. And then after church Layne & Sara came out (Layne was tired from some big time cop stuff) and after they left we went too archers too get some more sample’s and now we are down too the final five (all the one’s I like) and after we got the sample’s we went and got a movie, so we got “Cinderella Man” that is a great movie, I like movie’s like where the under dog wins.
So today has been good so far.
Tonight I want to watch “deal or no deal” I think it’s a good show, but my Dad does not like it like I do!!!!!

"Teh" means "cool" in Thai. (Pronounced "tay").


Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Dumb Facts

Look what i found, these are just some dumb facts i found.
Here the address

1.More Monopoly money is printed yearly than real money throughout the world.

2.Penguins are not found in the North Pole

3.People photocopying their buttocks are the cause of 23% of all photocopier errors worldwide.

4.A dentist invented the Electric Chair.

5.Rudolf the Red-nosed reindeer was actually created as a promotional figure for Montgommery Wards department stores.

6.A cockroach can live nine days without its head before it starves to death.

7.Percentage of Africa that is wilderness: 28% Percentage of North America that is wilderness: 38%

8.A whip makes a cracking sound because its tip moves faster than the speed of sound.

9.Walt Disney got the idea for Mickey Mouse from watching mice play in a garage, where he was forced to work, because he could not afford to rent an art studio.

10.About 100 people choke to death on ballpoint pens each year.

11.About a third of all Americans flush the toilet while they're still sitting on it.

12.Alexander Graham Bell's wife and mother were both deaf .

13.The "O" when used as a prefix in Irish surnames means "descendant of."

14.Alfred Hitchcock did not have a belly button. It was eliminated when he was sewn up after surgery.

15.Cockroaches break wind every 15 minutes.

16.Charlie Brown's dad was a barber.

17.Fish scales are an ingredient in most lipsticks.

18.Frank Baum, the writer of "The Wizrd of OZ", looked at his filing cabinet and saw A-N, and O-Z, hence "Oz."

19.The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp (marijuana) paper.

20.On average, every chocolate bar contains at least three insect legs.

21.Up until the early 20th century, New Jersey and Wisconsin had laws allowing the castration of epileptics


Monday, February 20, 2006


Well my weekend was good Saturday was good first it started it out getting up at 7:30 and then at noon we went too my Grandpa’s house (mom’s side) for his birthday (some ware between 63-75 years young) and when we were there dad set up there internet for them (he knows how too work a “dell” too well) and after he was done I set up there favorite’s for them, just stuff like car site’s and alex’s blog, When I was doing that there was this girl who I guess is my cusin and as soon as I got off she got right on.
After we left, we went to the church for worship practice and after worship practice we came home and watched some olympic’s, I think they were doing the skeleton, that is a weird sport, I think that would hurt if you ran in too the wall.
What do you think the hardest winter Olympic game is?
I think Ice Dancing, Skiing and that game were they jump really far on those giant ski’s.
What is your favorite? mine is that sport were they race on skate’s.
On Sunday I woke up at 7:00 and went too church did sound and after church my mom had a kinderchurch meeting and then went home and had lunch and then went too see her mom at the hospital because she had some surgery on her knee so she went bye her self and when she was gone we we got “batman begins” so after lunch we (brendon, dad and I) watched a scotish show called “monark of the glenn”(dry humor) and the after our show we watched “batman begins” it was not so good this time (last time I saw it was in the theater’s) and then after that we went down stairs too play some pool (8 ball) and after that dad took me to youth and my favorite verse that I read was “PHILIPPIANS 3.10, and after youth I came home and watched some olympic’s.
Well I got up today at 8:00 and then brendon, mom and I went to menards and then after that we went to the church so my mom could paint with vickie, they got a lot done brendon and I did some school there and tafter they were done we came home and here I am.
Well I can’t wait it’s allmost spring that means FISHING time and for christmas I got an “ I.O.U. one full day of fishing so I get to go too any lake I want(with in 1 hour’s drive)” so that’s why I can’t wait till spring and then there’s summer and in summer there’s my birthday and after my birthday I can get my permit.
Owww I should tell you I’m going to go git tested for glasses soon I have an appointment on March 9th but my mom want’s to git me in sooner, but it’s not that bad I just can’t see far away like when I’m doing sound I can’t see if my mom say’s turn me up or down or if layne say’s that he want’s to go up or something like that, and I can’t read far away either so that kinda sucks.

Did you know that there is a color called blurple!!!

Friday, February 17, 2006

Beauty and what geek

Well I hope you all watched “beauty and the geek”last night because I did,
You know I feel bad that wes’es(i think that's how you spell it) partner (I can’t remember her name, it might be Sarah but I can’t remember) had too leave the show, I do not feel so bad for wes he looks a lot better he’s not such a geek any more, he still is smart like one but know he looks a lot better.
Well since I’m talking about “beauty and the geek” I’m going to talk about the murse, Dude purse’s are for girls not for guy’s, I mean come on if a guy was walking in the park with a purse people would stare and what would make it even worse would be if he talked like, Hay dog was up, or Hay homey I mean that would freak me out, I would think he was a thief.
Ok I’m completely off subject back to “beauty and the geek” my mom thinks that josh or justin (the guy with the purse) is adorable because he is so nervous around girls and because he carry’s a purse know me, I think he is weird carrying a purse is just weird I think but he is funny like on the show last night where he said “I should of worn a diaper” that was funny.
My favoBrittanyam is “Jo & Brittany (I think that’s how you spell it) I like Jo because he is all way's nice to Brittany help's every one, and i like Brittany because she is funny and her funky voice.

How is it that just a couple of day’s a gsleeves wearing a long sleave shirt and was hot and know I’m wearing a sweatshirt and a coat so not right.
Weearliery I did not post earlyer I was gone, I had to wake up at 7:50 and I’m a 9:00ish kinda guy so that was hard on me, so we left the house around 8:40 and went too Mcy dy’s for bremenards andgeten went too menards to git paint so my mom can paint the super church room and after menards we went to the church too meet my Aunt Deby so she could my mom, after she left mom my brought Brendon and I home and she went back, and here I am.

Well got to go Brendon want’s to try an beat me at pool or something like that so ta-ta for for now.

Monday, February 13, 2006


Wow ATF is so cool,
First it started out with this girl called Jazz or something like that,
It started out with Jazz talking about ATF and the rest of the weekend and what was going to happen and then Desperation came out and did praise & worship and they are awesome they start out with a bunch of songs that the church already dose so that was cool and then they did a bunch of songs that I know so that was cool and it was cool when they stoped singing and every body else sang, but the hole band was not there the piano player was not the real player was not the actchoul piano player was suppost to the guitar player and I wish I could his name I do remember the guitar player who was playing there his name was Jon Egan he has a funky voice, after they were done the started the drama that was pretty good and then Ron Luce came out and preached that was good and after he was done he brought out Joel Johnson and Ron Luce took out all of the youth pastors out to talk to them and when he took them out Joel Johnson shared a little bit about his self and then Desperation came back out and after they wore done we went to the hotel and had some pizza and then went to our rooms I was with Layne, Jason, and Preston I was in the same bed as Layne and he kept kicking me in the middle of the night and and even before we went to sleep he was kicking me we went to bed at 12:00 and woke up at 6:00 and left at 7:00 and went to the place(Saturday) and when we got there Layne, Wendall and I went buy some stuff, I bought a really cool shurt and then we went back and it started with Jazz and she brought out Desperation and again they wure awesome and after them they did droma and then Joel Johnson came out and tought and after that we had a lunch, we went to Hardees for lunch I had this spicy sandwich thing(it was not spicy) there porchins are huge, after lunch we went back and Desperation came , they started every session, and after Desperation there was drama and then Joel Johnson came out and tought again and then there was a 25min break.
I dispise pictures and Natasha had a digital camera and she kept taking pictures of me and I hated that she got like 10 pictures of me, which did not make me too happy.
Then we started back up with Desperation and then drama and after that there was Joel Johnson, he did so many alter calls it was so cool, and after Joel Johnson we went to get dinner, after dinner Desperation started it or KJ-52 started it but I think Desperation started it and then KJ-52 came out (I do not like him) and then Jeremy Camp (he is cool, he is has the rock part of rock & roll) and then Joel Johnson tought and then Desperation did there thing and then there was some more drama and then Joel came back out and did his thing and then Desperation came out one more time and then Jazz came out an end it.
Then we went back to the church and then Layne took me home and got kinzie and I told my mom a little about it.
And then the next day (Sunday) I woke up at seven and went and did sound (and not to well).

TTFN(ta-ta for now)

Monday, February 06, 2006

Why, Why, Did you do this to me

How did the Seahawks lose they were doing so well, They had good defense in the beginning and good offence and they got first point they should of won.
Well I guess it's not all bad that they lost,I got five bucks,
Let me explain at the superbowl party for the youth group, at at Layne and Sara's,
Layne, Sara, Wendell, and Angie came up with this game kinda thing were we would all say what we thought that team would git like the Steelers passing game at half time and there was Seattle's passing game would be and what we thought the half time score would be with both teams combined and same for the end of the game
so I said that Steelers would pass 78 yards at half time and 179 for the seahawks
and I thought half time score would be 17 with both teams combined and 48 at the end of the game, I was right on target with Steelers passing game and if MATT HASSLEBACK
would of made one more touchdown I would of got all three half time things,
owe I should say what you would win if you were right for each you got the closest to you 5 dollars, and I almost had all 4 right.
I hope I explained it ok.(leave a comment if I expained badly)
This year's game was not very good, There was a few good plays but not a lot,
The panther, patriot game was a good game,
I hope that the giant's make it next year or the falcons and maybe the bears.

Conner out.

Monday, January 30, 2006

New Life

Well hello new life,
This is all new to me so I don't have much to sayright now just hello ,
So these are kinda cool my brother has one and so dose my other brother and my mom has one to so figured I would git one to and so do a bunch of people from my, church(I'll have my links up and going once I figure out how to us it) well since I'm talking about church you should come and check it out, The pastor is good and the praise and worship is even better I say that because my dad is the worship leader and him and my brother Layne my mom are on it to and do sound,
And my dad and mom do children's church to that's awesome that he has time to do all that and be my dad and have a job my mom and dad rock.

How rude am I i should tell you of family,
Let'start with mom and dad are the same age, I can't tell you tell you how young because my mom would kill me, Well I all ready told you a lot about them on top I forgot to tell you that my mom is a stay a home she homeschool's me and my brother she
homeschooled 4 boy's wow,
now let's start with brendon who is 12 and going to youth this year (in may) that stink's for me,
Next it's me 13 who went to sleepy hollow last week (sleepy hollow is a sledding,skiing,and snow boarding) that was fun,
Next down the list is Alex(18) who is at CMC collage in Colorado and is a photo student there, He takes great photo's.
Last but not least is Layne(25) who is the oldest of the four of us he play's the guitar,electric guitar,and bass,And he is my the youth pastor, him and Sara his wife
they make up the youth, speaking of youth Sunday is the superbowl and layne and Sara
are having a superbowl party GO STEELER'S!!!
And then the next week there is ATF(acquire the fire) that going to be totally awesome ,This well be my first time going, Every one thinks that this is my 2 or 3 time going,
At ATF DESERATION,JEREMY CAMP,KJ52 and maybe someone else.

Time for me to go,
Live long bloggers,
Conner McGinnis