Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Chiminy Christmas, is’t it supposed to be spring and allmost summer. And it is snowing. We were just fishing on Friday and Saturday and were catching stuff, and now it’s snowing.
And it was 70 yesterday. This is just not right!!!

Well today we went to the doctor because I have this big lump in my right arm. So we went there and when the doctor finaly came, he saw it and couldn’t figure out what it was so he sent me to get an X-ray. And when he was walking out the door he said I’ll have to go and look in the book to see what is. So I come back from the X-ray room. And about 5-10 minutes go by and he comes back and says give me a pheew minutes, and he was holding a book. And then he comes back and says he went and asked another docter and she didn’t know what it was either, So he shows me the X-ray and says he called another doctor (lets call this doctor, doctor 3), and doctor 3 said that it was a plate thingy, that you get it after or before a growth spurt. Doctor 3 wants to make shure that he is right. So we are going to his place on Monday.
Why is it that all things that happen to me, happen to my arms?
And they sent the X-ray home with me so that I can take it to doctor 3. And on the folder that the X-ray was in there was a couple of names writen on it and I was looking for Lisa’s. Because you’d think Lisa’s would be on it, maybe it was on a different folder.

Well T2YL.


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