Thursday, April 06, 2006

Fishing Time

Well today we (Brendon,Dad,Mom,Kenzie and I) went and got some stuff (2 dressers and a bed)(heavy stuff, it was kinda like real wood) for Alexs room.
And after we got the stuff, Dad went to the church and did his music.
And when we got home did yard work.
And tonight we are going to watch "yours mine and ours".
Kenzie is staying with us and last night she slept with me and she kept kicking me.
tomorrow Alex, Mariah,Layne, and Sara will sleep the whole time they are here (they went to an ATF in Detroit).
And Monday we are going fishing I can't wait.
Where going because I got a free day of fishing, on the day that I choose but it is Dads idea to go on Monday, and the lake that I want to go to.
So I can't wait.

Sorry its been so long, I will try to post more

Well that's all I got.

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