Monday, April 10, 2006

You might think its stupid... But its really hard

Well todat we didn't go fishing because it was to windy.

Today Layne called and asked me if I wanted to go and play some golf and I said yes.
So we went and played 9 holes.
And Layne started and he hit it a little to the right.
And then I hit it perfectly strait and it was awesome, but at the end of the hole we had the same score and on the second hole Layne destroyed me, and on hole 3 and 4 he destroyed me but on the 5th hole I got one less par than Layne.
And I think on the forth hole I got stuck in a sand doon and it did the same thing on the 7th hole.
On the 8th hole I hit the ball so hard, that it went half way and then I hit it again and I think I hit to far, because we coundn't find it any were, I think it went in the water that was behind the hole.
And on the 9th hole I hit the ball so far that it went 5 feet in front of the hole, don't I rock. (so dose Layne for putting up with me)
I want to go again some time because it is so much fun!!!!!!!!
I want to go when Alex is home.
I would school Alex,and Layne would school me.
I hope he takes me again some time, I hope when he dose it will be with Alex.
And up there where I'm talking about the game I'm not as bad as it sounds. I think I beet him in 3 or 4 holes and we tied on one and Layne beet me one 4 or 5.

And if you think golf is easy go and play with Warren, he will mop the floor with you.

Well I think where going fishing on Friday.


1 comment:

Nokeo08 said...

I think I beet him in 3 or 4 holes and we tied on one and Layne beet me one 4 or 5.

it is not beet it's beat and, you have been spelling does, dose.(make your move in chess)