Monday, February 20, 2006


Well my weekend was good Saturday was good first it started it out getting up at 7:30 and then at noon we went too my Grandpa’s house (mom’s side) for his birthday (some ware between 63-75 years young) and when we were there dad set up there internet for them (he knows how too work a “dell” too well) and after he was done I set up there favorite’s for them, just stuff like car site’s and alex’s blog, When I was doing that there was this girl who I guess is my cusin and as soon as I got off she got right on.
After we left, we went to the church for worship practice and after worship practice we came home and watched some olympic’s, I think they were doing the skeleton, that is a weird sport, I think that would hurt if you ran in too the wall.
What do you think the hardest winter Olympic game is?
I think Ice Dancing, Skiing and that game were they jump really far on those giant ski’s.
What is your favorite? mine is that sport were they race on skate’s.
On Sunday I woke up at 7:00 and went too church did sound and after church my mom had a kinderchurch meeting and then went home and had lunch and then went too see her mom at the hospital because she had some surgery on her knee so she went bye her self and when she was gone we we got “batman begins” so after lunch we (brendon, dad and I) watched a scotish show called “monark of the glenn”(dry humor) and the after our show we watched “batman begins” it was not so good this time (last time I saw it was in the theater’s) and then after that we went down stairs too play some pool (8 ball) and after that dad took me to youth and my favorite verse that I read was “PHILIPPIANS 3.10, and after youth I came home and watched some olympic’s.
Well I got up today at 8:00 and then brendon, mom and I went to menards and then after that we went to the church so my mom could paint with vickie, they got a lot done brendon and I did some school there and tafter they were done we came home and here I am.
Well I can’t wait it’s allmost spring that means FISHING time and for christmas I got an “ I.O.U. one full day of fishing so I get to go too any lake I want(with in 1 hour’s drive)” so that’s why I can’t wait till spring and then there’s summer and in summer there’s my birthday and after my birthday I can get my permit.
Owww I should tell you I’m going to go git tested for glasses soon I have an appointment on March 9th but my mom want’s to git me in sooner, but it’s not that bad I just can’t see far away like when I’m doing sound I can’t see if my mom say’s turn me up or down or if layne say’s that he want’s to go up or something like that, and I can’t read far away either so that kinda sucks.

Did you know that there is a color called blurple!!!

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