Monday, February 06, 2006

Why, Why, Did you do this to me

How did the Seahawks lose they were doing so well, They had good defense in the beginning and good offence and they got first point they should of won.
Well I guess it's not all bad that they lost,I got five bucks,
Let me explain at the superbowl party for the youth group, at at Layne and Sara's,
Layne, Sara, Wendell, and Angie came up with this game kinda thing were we would all say what we thought that team would git like the Steelers passing game at half time and there was Seattle's passing game would be and what we thought the half time score would be with both teams combined and same for the end of the game
so I said that Steelers would pass 78 yards at half time and 179 for the seahawks
and I thought half time score would be 17 with both teams combined and 48 at the end of the game, I was right on target with Steelers passing game and if MATT HASSLEBACK
would of made one more touchdown I would of got all three half time things,
owe I should say what you would win if you were right for each you got the closest to you 5 dollars, and I almost had all 4 right.
I hope I explained it ok.(leave a comment if I expained badly)
This year's game was not very good, There was a few good plays but not a lot,
The panther, patriot game was a good game,
I hope that the giant's make it next year or the falcons and maybe the bears.

Conner out.

1 comment:

Nokeo08 said...

you had to be one of the 3 pepole
going for the seahawks