Monday, March 20, 2006

Four Eyes

Well on Wensday Ryan showed me how to run sound better, so now I think I'm 1/2 way to doing sound ok.
And on Friday Target called and said that my glasses were done. And then that night Mariah and I watched the Edgecomb and Guthrie's kids.
And on Saturday we went and got my glasses and after that we went and looked at a cameras for Layne & Sara. And after we looked at cameras we went and got a couple of things for sound from the Guitar Center (that place rocks) (they have some sound boards that are Awesome, and then there were some that were a lot of money ) and after we got what we needed we went to the church and fixed my Dads mic. And Laynes mic.
And on Saturday I got a shirt that said "Kiss Me I'm Irish"so I wore it on Sunday and Kathy Benny, Mick Mack and Stacy phow (I think that's how you spell it) tried to kiss me but Stacy was the only one that got a kiss of, that wasn't family related, my Dad got me to.
And when i got to church the first thing cahlen said was "YOU LOOK A DORK!!!"(because of the glasses) and I said " you just want them"
All day Sunday I just slept and watched basketball. Go West Virginia.
And at youth we had a birthday thing for every one in youth that has a birthday in March (there is a lot of people in the church that have birthdays in March).
And every one in youth found out that for some weird reason Natasha is afraid of cotton balls, yes that's right cotton balls, and if your afraid of cotton ball and have a brother in youth, your gonna get it, and if cahlen is in youth, your gonna get it.
And after ice cream and cake we went and took some funny pictures.
And after youth my Dad told me that West Virginia is in the same bracket as DUKE, the best team ever. So if West Virginia( WVU) wins there next game then they have to play DUKE. But the next team WVU (West Virginia University) plays is Texas or Texas
St. I'm not shure, but WVU should be able to beet them no sweat.
I like WVU because there whole team can hit three pointers. And that's what I like to do. Even WVU center can hit three's. So good luck WVU.

That was so bad when IOWA lost, NorthWestern just got lucky.

Well the hardest thing about whereing glasses is that when you sweat the noise piece keeps sliding.
Like today I went down stairs and got Alexs room ready and I was down there for two hours and my glasses kept sliding.
Speaking of cleaning, I'M COURSED, I cleaned our whole basement(and we have a big basement), I just couldn't stop it was awesome. So now we don't have to do it on Saturday.
I guess thats why my room is never dirty, Cahlen calls me a girl because my room is never dirty.

It is so cool to see far away!!!

On Wendsday i'm going to changing my blog address to

Well that's all I have to say so bye.

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