Thursday, March 09, 2006


Well today I got my eyes checked and this is what I think Dr. Broek Said that I've got 20/70 vision and then my dad says that he has 20/60 vision so I think I miss understood what Dr. Broek said, but the best part was when I could read the smallest line on the chart, it was so awesome, and after I was done getting my eyes checked me and my Mom went and looked at some glasses, but they did not have a very big selection so we left that place and went too target and looked at some glasses and I found a pair that I liked, and they were the kind that have the clip on sun glasses and that would be like a super bonus, but they were pretty small but they were still pretty cool, and then there was some glasses that were kinda rectangle and I kinda liked them, but I think I like first ones the best.
Another favorite was when Dr. Broek showed me what my vision is and what my new vision will be, that was totally awesome.
So now I will be able to see what any buddy on the stage says to do, like when my mom or Layne tell me to turn them up I will be able to see what they say to do and I won't have to look like a dork to see!!!
Tomarrow we are going to look at more glasses and maybe get some and so i might have some by Sunday or Wensday.

And from now on I think I will put on a picture at the end of all of my posts.


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