Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Well I know it’s been a long time since I’v posted but I’m posting now,
So were should I start.
Well I think I will start on Friday, ok on Friday I killed a possum for eating our cat food (with my pellet gun) and that night Brenny went to a birthday party and Troy slept with me, and he slept the whole night.
And on Saturday Brenny came home around 10:15 and he slept allmost the whole time he was home, but the funniest part of the day was when Brenny went and got ready for church. I was just laying on the couch and he went and got ready for church. He thought it was Sunday but it was still Saterday and then he threw the hair brush in the toilet, LOL.
And on Sunday after church Cahlen came over and we played pool and then we went to youth, and after youth I came home and we finished watching “Just Like Heaven”.
And on Monday nothing much happened in the day, but at night we watched “Walk The Line” and that is a good movie and so is “Just Like Heaven” but I like “Walk The Line” better, mostly because I did not see all of “Just Like Heaven” my dad just told me had happened at the beginning.
And then on Tuesday nothing much happened.
And now here I am. Tomarrow I’m going to the place were I get my eye’s checked, I wonder how bad my eye’s are?
And I have stat counter, If you want to see it just go all the way to the bottom.


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