Friday, March 24, 2006

West Virginia University/ update

If you don't like basketball do not read this part, but read the second part.

Well First Duke lost then the awesome WVU lost,
Well I'm not a big Duke fan but I like them, there like my 2 favorite team and as you should know by now WVU is in the number one in my book.
Last night all the teams that I wanted to go on lost, First Duke then WVU and then Gonzaga, man what a bad night.
That was awesome how they were down in the half by 12 and then WVU makes 8 points in one minute, THAT WAS AWESOME, but they still lost by that little bit,
that was so awesome how Pittsnogle made that last shot!!!, but then Texas came down and put one away with the guy who had done so bad the whole game won it for them.
And then Gonzaga who should of won lost.
So all the teams I liked are out

OK know more b-ball for now.
Wow 5 days in a row.
Well today we went to lunch for my dads birthday ( I know it sounds weird, him treating us for his birthday) and we went to Mexican and they were singing happy birthday to this girl and we wanted to have them sing to dad, but we were one day to late.
Tonight me and dad are going to watch some b-ball.
Me and dad are going for the underdogs now since all our teams are gone.



Nokeo08 said...

"b-ball" is stupid

.... said...

Your stupid