Monday, March 27, 2006


Sunday was awesome first we went to church and praise and worship was cool, and it was not 1/2 bad.
After church Layne & Sara came over for Dads birthday,
Right after they got there Layne, Alex and Dad came out side and the four of us played a game of basketball (that was fun. I so badly want to start playing again).
Right before we were playing we were just shooting it and Brenny was out there, and some how a ball bounced over and hit him in the face (I think some one missed a shot and the bounced over and hit him in the face) and so it was bleeding and we were all huddled around him and he just pulled out the tooth that was bleeding.
After he went in side, we (Alex, Dad, Layne and me) played a game of basketball and it was me and Alex vs Layne and Dad, I guarded Layne and Alex got my Dad, yae they won.
It wasn’t fare, my Dad got all the rebounds, and Layne is fast, and at first I played ball hog and that’s why we lost.
I think the score was 16 (me and Alex) 21.
After the game we went in side and had some lunch (we had catfish).
After lunch we watched some basketball and Goerge Mason won, and after watching some of the game we went to Jordan Creek and my Mom got an ipod nano.
She’s wanted to get one ever since I had Lisa’s (I put songs on it).
That place rocks!!!!! When we were there we took some cool picture's. I'm gonna see if Alex can help me put it on my blog.
And after we got home I saw that Florida won, so the final four teams are Goerge Mason, Florida, LSU and UCLA, I’m going for Goerge Mason and Florida.
After we saw who won we went back out side and played one more game of basketball but this time Mariah and Brenny played. The teams were, Layne, me and Mariah vs Dad, Alex and brenny.
Mariah did pretty well, she kept Brenny bizzy. My Dad was hard to guard. And it was hard to play on such a little place with so many people.
Dad and me want to start playing again (we use to play with about 8 guys from church).
After we were done we went inside and had some grub and then Layne & Sara left, and after they left Mariah, Alex, Brenny, Dad and I went down stairs and played some pool,
And then Alex took Mariah home.
Today I woke up and just had to lay in bed for little bit because my back hurt so bad,
I think it hurt from jumping and trying to block Laynes shots, and from trying to get rebounds and block my Dads shots, I’m going to ask him tonight if he can crack it.
I forgot to post last night, if I would of, I would of had a perfect week of posting.

Well that’s all I got to say,

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