Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Wow it’s been along time since the last time to post. I really haven’t had anyhting to post about, but now I do!!!

Well lets start on Friday, so Friday was the youth camp out, and Layne said that there was a pond there and I was like “sweet” So when I got there I went and threw my pole in and after about ten casts I caught a 13-14in bass but man it was a pain in the butt to get it out of the water, because I was in this really hard spot to fish, so after I caught the bass I moved over to a more open spot and then when I was casting my jig got caught in a tree and I lost my favorite jig.
Later in the night we played Capture The Flag and it was Kevin’s youth group vs ours, Layne, Alex and I were like the ultimate guards, and then we had Shane join our elite force, and we were the most ultimate elite force ever. So then after capturing 4 or 5 of there guys, Layne, Alex and I went out to get there flag, and we snuck all the way around the back of there flag, and then Alex and Layne find out that the game was over and didn’t tell me, so I snuck all the way down to 10-15 feet in front of every body and the fire and hear Layne talking so I come out of hidding, and then about 10-15min later Alex and Cahlen come out and say “where have you been” and so I told them. And that was the second time they did that because earlyer they couldn’t find me, and the whole time I was just up by the house.
Man I was tired that night, I just kept sitting in a chair and talking to Cahlen and then everybody would come over and sit by us, and that makes it hard to fall asleep, and a couple of times I tried to go to sleep and Cahlen kept knocking the chair over (he did it a couple of times) so finally I just layed on the ground. And then some time between 2:00 and 3:00 everybody went to sleep, and I was fine with that. I slept by the fire and so did Cahlen, and as Cahlen would everyone else came over there just because we were there, I think it was just because it was by the fire.
And at the camp out somebody took my pillow and used it, and then left it there.
But over all the camp out was a blast!!!

On Saturday I slept for about two hours and then that night Layne asked me if I wanted to go fishing and I was like “heck ya” but when we got there it wasn’t very good fishing I caught, 3 fish, and Layne caught 1, all of them were bass.
Layne's awesome to go fishing with, Layne allways makes me laugh, I mean it's impossible to not laugh with him.

Man it’s hot out, I want to put up our pool so bad, but because of all the stuff we’re doing (mostly wedding stuff, and some house re-modeling) I don’t think we will for a while

O man I took an awesome picture to day, I mean it is just so cool. I wish I knew how to post pictures so that I could show you, because I know most of you are probably saying, it probably sucks!!! But it doesn’t!! I made it the screen saver on the computer.

Well that’s all I got.


.... said...

O ya, and Jeremy When we were fishing i did not use a glove

.... said...

O and i forgot to say that last night my dad heard a raccoon hissing at the cats to stay back so it could eat the cat food, so dad came in to my room and said get you pellet gun, but when i got down there it was gone. so then i went upstairs and then he came back in and said there back, so i grabbed my gun and ran down stairs and as soon as i got down there it had allready started to back off, so then i go back upstairs and get ready to get in bed, and i thought o i will go back down there to make shure it was gone but when i get down there i saw not one but two and one was huge. so i ran back upstairs and grabbed my gun and said dad there back, and when i got down there they had ate what was left of the cat food.
But man they are BIG!!!

.... said...

No i don't!!! somebody said i do!!! but i don't!!! so shuty shuty!! or as you say it "shu up".

Anonymous said...

Tasha u won't even touch the fish or the minnows!!! so u have NO room to talk!!!