Monday, May 01, 2006


Ok, yesterday the youth group went ice-skating. And man is it hard!!! Karen Helgren is really good.
I’m really bad. Layne is pretty good. It’s harder than normal skating!!! But it was fun!!!
And I only hurt my self in one spot, my arm. O man does it hurt. And one time Sara pushed me to the ground, twice!!!
O and I kicked Cahlens but at chess!!! Before we left for the ice rink me and Cahlen played some chess and every body stood around and watched and it was so funny. They must have been very bord. And then when we came back Cahlen and I played some more chess and again every one watched us again. It was funny!!!

O I can’t wait, in three weeks I think the youth is going to do a camp out. And that will be my last youth event with out Brenny. But Brenny is trying to push his way in.

Well today is my arm thingy. At the skating party every one was feeling it, and saying how weird it is!!!
I wonder if it will ever go away!!!

And I now have a mypraize. What is a mypraize you ask? Mypraize is a christain myspace. But right now there in a lawsuit because some says they came up with mypraize first. So it’s going all wack, the blogs don’t work and the chatrooms don’t work.
And some times it locks you out of all the editing stuff while you’re in it. Or something like that.
O and my address is
But I’m not done editing it yet and getting it all worked out.

O and Angie Queener got a blog. Its on my on links.



.... said...

Ouch i allways beet Chalen in chess, he has not beet me in chess since last year.

Nokeo08 said...

conner u beat me in chess and kicked me butt not beet cause u eat beets and not but cause it's spelled with 2 t's

.... said...

Shut up and do your chess move so i can kick your butt again!!!
And i still haven't got any of your other games!!
Resend them!!