Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Sunsets In Iowa

Well I’ll start on Friday. Friday Derick and Leslie (Alex’s friends from collage) came and stayed with us for the wedding, there cool. And that night was the rehearsal. And the food was awesome. And after rehearsal I took a picture of the sunset and there is an Eagle (Brenny thinks it’s a hawk, but I got in photoshop and looked at it.) it looks so cool.
And then the next day was the wedding, and that was cool and weird. And I hated wearing those cloths. I am not a dress a up kind of person!!!
And then on Sunday we went to a retirement party. And got rained on a lot.
And somebody hid behind Danial (my great aunts son. I don’t know what that would be)
And this somebody (I can’t remember who) said you’re a great shield (he’s wide and tall) and Danial said “yea, until I fart”, it was so funny.

Yesterday (Monday) we went fishing so we could have day to relax. At first we went to Badger and went there at 8:30 and stayed there till 11:30 and caught to fish two fish on bobbers and they were small sunfish so we decided to leave and got to the pond by beaver and when we got there we couldn’t fish there because there was grass growing out of the water, and there was a bunch of pieces of grass. So that was a no go. So then we went over to beaver on a jetty, and at this place there is a drop off. And when we get there my dad throws his pole out there with a bobber and he leaves to go get another pole ready (he allways has three poles) and I say “dad your pole” so he brings a small sunfish in and throws it back out there and he turns around again, and again I say “Dad, your pole”,
So Brenny grabs it and starts realling it in and it took probley five or seven minutes to bring it to were we could see what it was, and then we all yell “Catfish”. So my dad trys to bring it close to the bank, so he could grab it, but once it got in shallow water it just went crazy and started hitting its head on the rocks, and it just bit the line. And we even gave my dad a bucket so he could try and get him in the bucket it was too big to fit in this bucket. Man it was so long.
So then we all go to bobber to try and catch it again. And we weren’t getting anything on lures. But my dad did catch a 13 or 14inch bullhead. But other than that we just caught some small sunfish.
We went to that same spot two years ago and in that year we caught 4 Catfish and 3 Bullheads. And last year only one of each. But all in that same spot.
“So at the end of the day it wasn’t a bust but it wasn’t great fishing either”, that’s what my dad said. But I only caught one fish the whole day, but I had great fishing last time.
After we went fishing I came home and slept.

And I think I’m going paintballing on the 22nd for a father son thing Kevin Queener is setting up.

Here the sunset. I love posting pictures now that i know how to.

Well T2YL.

1 comment:

.... said...

See that little black dot in the picture? thats the eagle.
Maybe some time i will do a bigger size so you can see the Eagle.