Thursday, March 30, 2006

I have great reflexs... But there a little stupid

Well wensday was cool.
Played some basketball with Brenny and I won like 5 games out of six, then after some amount of time we went to church and praise and worship was cool, and then my mom preached and she did a good job, you could tell she had the nervis at first but once she got in her groove she was just fine.
And i droped a 25pd brick on my knee.
Well i was getting the bricks off of the basketball hoop (the bricks hold it down) and i was getting them off with one in each hand and one was slipping so i threw one and the other one fell and i tryed to catch it with my knee (stupid me).
After church we came home and watched "LOST" (that show rocks).
OOO i should say what happend on Tuesday. Well on Tuesday Mariah came over (like allways). And we watched the "UNIT"(that show rocks to).
Today nothing happend but the cool storm (storms rock)
and Mariah is over here (of course she is).

I hope this picture works!!!
Tell me if it dose or dose not!!!

Well Saturday layne & sara are coming over and watching some b-ball.

Well thats all i got to say,


Mrs Edgey said...

the pics did not work Conner :(

.... said...

That stinks!!!
I'll have to have Alex help me.

Anonymous said...

conner u totally puuled a lisa ur not supposed to catch bricks wit ur knees!!! DUH!!!lol!!!

Anonymous said...

you really shouldn't be trying to pull lisas on us!!!!! LOL!!! you can't be doin that kind of things you might hurt your self like lisa does 24/7(pretty much)LOL!!!