Monday, July 07, 2008

My AMAZING past five days

So these past 5 days have been the best of the thus far. Allow me to tell you why.
On Thursday we went to town and I got some swimming trucks, and we walked into the groccery store and Kurt called my mom and said “ can Connor come out and play” and when I heard what he said I laughed so hard. So when we got home I put my fishing stuff in the car and we went to beaver lake, and when I got there Kurt said nothing was bitting, I was like oh ok, and Kurt said we would try at like 5 or 6. So that fine with me.
And then Emily asked if I wanted to join her and Kim to scrabble, so I said ok.
And we played for a while and the out come was Kim 1#. Spot and I got 2nd place and Emily took 3rd place.
And then they had started to work on dinner (taco’s, yummy) so Kim and I started a game of chess, because I love chess and nobody will play me because no body likes chess but me.
I ended up loosing, because well Kim is good.
And then had dinner and went fishing, and Emily had never fished before, so I got some good laughs. And we walked around and tried a few spots, and then Kurt went up and to the camper. Ethan stayed with us and we kept fishing and then the rest of my family came and brenny came and fished. And then Brenny and Ethan went rode down a little hill on roller blades. So Elizebeth came and joined us and when it was getting darker and we weren’t catching anything and I think each person had caught just one fish and I don’t know if everybody even caught a fish that day.
So Emily Liz and I went up and Brenny and Ethan made a fire so we sat a around the fire and just hung out and laughed. And sometime after 11:00 I think Lisa got there it was around that time that we left.

And on Friday we hung around the house and Layne & Sara and the girls came out, and so did Alex & Mariah.
And Layne cut Alex’s hair with parental supper vision.
And then we went to Craig & Kathys house to watch the fireworks.

And on Saturday we went to beaver in the morning and got nothing. And then we came back to the house and had lunch and left for the church so dad could do his music. And then we went go see the movie HANCOCK, it was a pretty good movie, it had some quirks, but it was pretty good.

And after the movie we went back to the lake and fished somemore and at like 8:00 we went up to the camper and had some peach cobbler that really good, that kurt grilled it giant pan, and it was HOT, so we had to have ice cream just to cool it down.

And then I taught Emilly how to play chess, and she beat me, I know it’s sad she beat her first ime playing, but that means that I must just be a good teacher.

And now to Sunday. Well Sunday morning cool because it was church, and because Sundays and wednsdays rock.
But on Sunday after church there was a picnic at pastors for all the bord-meeting people, and the most part I was bored until 5:30 when jeremy asked me if I wanted to go fishing with him at badger lake. Heck yeah, so we went to the lake and I caught the first fish then Jeremy caught one and then I caught one more and a little bit before we left I got a top water frog out and put it around some sticks and some other stuff and right away a fish went after it and I jerked and it popped out of its mouth because the hooks are on the top so the lure has to be in it’s mouth just right.
So the fish took it 11 times and I never got it.
Bummer huh.

And today, Monday was my first day of drivers ed. And it wasn’t too bad besides the fact I do not know anybody, but I think I drive on Friday. So that shude be intresting, so we will see how that goes.

Well tomarrow nights prayer, and then church (awesome) and then basketball on thursday and then on Friday the youth pool party, and then on Saturday I’m going with Alex to Kerney Nebraska to be a second shooter (photographer) with him. The down side is I have wake up at 4:30 and I’ll be back around 12:00 ant night and then I have to get up for church the next morning.

Well I’ll try to post after my week.

Friday, June 27, 2008

What's your Word for Life?

Wow has it been a long time since I posted?
Well I think its fare to say that an average amount of stuff has been going on in my life and with the people around me.
One of the things that’s has been going on is that during the flooding we had to help out Alex & Mariah take there stuff out of there apartment because Alex was freaking about the water because all the bussiness and city owned places were putting sand around there buildings.
So while we were moving we were using a truck of some friends of Alex & Mariah had while going up a street that is up hill, the truck ran out of gas (those people are air heads) so we had to push the truck (in traffic) into a declining hill and the went like 3 or 4 blocks. So that was fun!!!

And one of the things that will happen to me soon is Drivers ed. I start on July 7th and finish July 24th, just in enough time be an arron boy fot the august 3rd out reach.

So yeah there has been some fun and not so fun stuff going on.
So yeah life, interesting HUH? Yeah interesting is a good word to describe Life.
I don’t think it matters who you are, life will always be interesting!
I think that will be one of my new sayings! So when people ask me how it’s going? I will say, well there is no better word to describe it than interesting.
Or I’ll say something along that line.

Well that’s all that’s in my big head, for now atleast!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

I can not wait for this up coming week! let me tell you why.
First theres sunday which is church and then after church we come home and play basketball and my dad shows me some moves.
And then theres monday and on monday i have school (not so much fun) but then that night we go to the adel middle school and play basketball with guys from the church, and this week we are going to try and play full court. And i love to play basketball.
And then there is tuesday, and on tuesday i'm going to prayer, and i have all ways wanted to go to prayer, and i can't wait. and i'm not supposed to be saying this but i figure, the only people who read this is teenagers, and a lot of the teenagers are all ready going, and the only other poeple who read this are parents of teenagers, or family members. so i think i'm safe there.
So that's why i can't wait until this up coming week.
O and then after prayer it's wensday, and that's church, see now doesn't that sound like an awesome week.


Tuesday, April 08, 2008


So i'm reading this book on prayer called Praying with power, and it's a really good book, and the auther is lowell lundstrom, and i just think he is awesome, because if i was to write a book, this is how i would write, and i think thats why i like it so much.
But anyways in the book it says, "Surveys by other organizations"(he said that because earlyier he says that one in ten reads the Bible and prays as little as ten minutes a day)" show that the averge Christian family in the U.S. has the TV set turned on more than five hours a day. Is it any wonder that the devil's power is growing stronger and many Christains are growing weaker?
It is quite natural and inevitable writes Dean Inges, that is we spend 16 hours daily of our waking life in thinking about the afairs of the world, five minutes in thinking about god ... this world will seem 200 times more real to us than GOD"

Now if that does not freak you out, then you need help!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Can you worship to anything?

Ok so my dad, Brenny and I were in the car on our way to meet our mom.
And a couple of days before brenny had played a group called the red( and red is like skillet or pillar, those kind of groups), and he said “couldn’t you just worship to this” and I said “no”, and we got into a discoision about what you could worship to, and he said I can worship to anything, and I said that’s impossibale because songs that say stuff that have nothing to do god, songs have to have words about God or or words that invole our love for god or his love for us.

So I think somebody should say what they think about this?

My dad said that because I think the way I do about worship is because of my gifts, and the way brenny thinks is because of his gifts.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Aquire The fire

Ok so Aquire the fire was awesome, not that it all ways isn't, because it is.
And this year Ron Luce came and last year he didn't, so that was awesome. And this year Phil Joel was there, and this is his first year doing this, and he is an awesome singer and teacher, but i really thought his teaching was good. But my favorite thing he said was that when he first came to the states or to a aquire the fire he thought it was awesome because everyone was on fire for God but when he went to church and it was nothing like aquire the fire. and me and Layne were talking about that and we were saying that was so true.

And I all so loved the worship by michael gungor, i always love the worship because i'm always in the sound booth at church, and i always feel like i can't close my eyes to worship because i have to watch everybody on the stage, and i don't sing because i try to listen to see what needs to be adjusted. so thats why the worship to me in all that much better at aquire the fire. and then theres the fact there is a draw to worship.

I really liked Ron Luce preaching more than Mike G. because mostly of what he preached on.

I didn't really care for fireflight or Nevertheless, but i liked Nevertheless better because i could hear the voices, but i didn't really like the lead singers voice for nevertheless, and i liked nevertheless better because i knew some of the songs, not all of them but some of them.

And some thing else that i thought was kind of cool was that friday night Layne had everybody sit down and talk about what they wanted from tomarrow and what the had got out of the first night.

Well tonight is youth and Layne hasn't preached in a couple of weeks because he had to work last week to get time off for aquire the fire. so i'm looking forward to tonight.

Well thats all i got to say for now.

Monday, February 18, 2008

So i'v been listening to my dads message that he preached on wednsday about our Motivational gifts, and i just kept thinking wow that is so me, when he was talking about serving i just kept thinking to my self wow that is so cool, because he was talking about how you like to be just left alone and be by yourself to get something done.
And i thought that, that little "tease" at the end of is message was funny, because i was in the car with him and he would say "thats Layne," and then at the last one he said " this is Cahlen” and the gift was leading, so i thought that was funny.
And something that was funny, was when i took my little test thing, my highest ones were tied, and they were serving and teaching, and i kept thinking, really i have the the gift off teaching, i mean i like to dig in the bible and find stuff though but teaching come on really, me? But when my dad said that it was the whole questions thing, i was like o yeah that makes since.

Right behind my teaching and serving, was leading which i wasn't surprised about.
But i the gift i really wish i had was prohesy, because there so Black and white, and thats' what i like so much about Layne when he preaches is how black and white he is, for example last wednsday he said if you do not fix your selves your going to hell. And i thought that was awesome because Layne was so black and white.
And another gift i wish i had was encourging because of the fact that there so much fun because in the example they were like that was awesome do you want to do that again, and i wish i was like that. And i'm the person that goes how did that happen, how can i make it so that doesn't happen again, and probley many more questions.

So i can't wait for the next message.


Monday, February 04, 2008

the super bowl and some close cussing

WOW what a great super bowl!! And the youth super bowl party was too.
There was one funny thing that happended at the end of the game, Josiah sat in a corner and cried I mean he cried he had tears and his face was red!
So during the game patriots scored with less that 5 minutes to play and brenny, lucas, jo, ethan and josiah all came over to me and started all going “HA” or What, what now”, and me and Cahlen took it but it was mostly all went towrds me becaise I am anti-patriots, I hate the patriots.
So I took all the “ha ha” and said nothing, but when the giants won josaih was sitting in his corner, and I said to jo and lucas “know what do got to say” because neither of them really cared about the game or the teams.
So I said that and Josiah said (more like yelled) “ shut your fucccc” and he stopped and said “ freaking heck up”.
And I really thought he was gunna say the F word it was so close being finished, and his parents were there and they were both up stares, so I think he got off lucky that time but he needs to fix that, but my mouth fell open when he said that, or all most said that. and i looked over and emily was there and she looked suprised too.

But other than that, that was one of the greatest super bowl in a while, that maybe just be because it’s fresh in my mind, but it is cool because a Manning won last year and another one won this year and this year the team was a wild card.
