Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Can you worship to anything?

Ok so my dad, Brenny and I were in the car on our way to meet our mom.
And a couple of days before brenny had played a group called the red( and red is like skillet or pillar, those kind of groups), and he said “couldn’t you just worship to this” and I said “no”, and we got into a discoision about what you could worship to, and he said I can worship to anything, and I said that’s impossibale because songs that say stuff that have nothing to do god, songs have to have words about God or or words that invole our love for god or his love for us.

So I think somebody should say what they think about this?

My dad said that because I think the way I do about worship is because of my gifts, and the way brenny thinks is because of his gifts.

1 comment:

Mrs Edgey said...

For some reason, I can never vote on your polls... so I will leave my answer on here. I can worship to anything I want to. Want is the key word here. There are some secular songs I can worship God with because they make me think of all the good things that God has done in my life or things that remind me of God....whether or not they say God's name or talk about God. Worship is in your Spirit.... your attitude. Now, that said, there are some songs that talk about God that I would prefer not to worship to because they distract my focus but that doesn't mean I still can't worship to them. Can you worship without music? Or do you still think music in your head when you worship and nothing is playing?