Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Aquire The fire

Ok so Aquire the fire was awesome, not that it all ways isn't, because it is.
And this year Ron Luce came and last year he didn't, so that was awesome. And this year Phil Joel was there, and this is his first year doing this, and he is an awesome singer and teacher, but i really thought his teaching was good. But my favorite thing he said was that when he first came to the states or to a aquire the fire he thought it was awesome because everyone was on fire for God but when he went to church and it was nothing like aquire the fire. and me and Layne were talking about that and we were saying that was so true.

And I all so loved the worship by michael gungor, i always love the worship because i'm always in the sound booth at church, and i always feel like i can't close my eyes to worship because i have to watch everybody on the stage, and i don't sing because i try to listen to see what needs to be adjusted. so thats why the worship to me in all that much better at aquire the fire. and then theres the fact there is a draw to worship.

I really liked Ron Luce preaching more than Mike G. because mostly of what he preached on.

I didn't really care for fireflight or Nevertheless, but i liked Nevertheless better because i could hear the voices, but i didn't really like the lead singers voice for nevertheless, and i liked nevertheless better because i knew some of the songs, not all of them but some of them.

And some thing else that i thought was kind of cool was that friday night Layne had everybody sit down and talk about what they wanted from tomarrow and what the had got out of the first night.

Well tonight is youth and Layne hasn't preached in a couple of weeks because he had to work last week to get time off for aquire the fire. so i'm looking forward to tonight.

Well thats all i got to say for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.