Monday, February 18, 2008

So i'v been listening to my dads message that he preached on wednsday about our Motivational gifts, and i just kept thinking wow that is so me, when he was talking about serving i just kept thinking to my self wow that is so cool, because he was talking about how you like to be just left alone and be by yourself to get something done.
And i thought that, that little "tease" at the end of is message was funny, because i was in the car with him and he would say "thats Layne," and then at the last one he said " this is Cahlen” and the gift was leading, so i thought that was funny.
And something that was funny, was when i took my little test thing, my highest ones were tied, and they were serving and teaching, and i kept thinking, really i have the the gift off teaching, i mean i like to dig in the bible and find stuff though but teaching come on really, me? But when my dad said that it was the whole questions thing, i was like o yeah that makes since.

Right behind my teaching and serving, was leading which i wasn't surprised about.
But i the gift i really wish i had was prohesy, because there so Black and white, and thats' what i like so much about Layne when he preaches is how black and white he is, for example last wednsday he said if you do not fix your selves your going to hell. And i thought that was awesome because Layne was so black and white.
And another gift i wish i had was encourging because of the fact that there so much fun because in the example they were like that was awesome do you want to do that again, and i wish i was like that. And i'm the person that goes how did that happen, how can i make it so that doesn't happen again, and probley many more questions.

So i can't wait for the next message.


1 comment:

Mrs Edgey said...

I tried to vote in your poll but it wouldn't let me.....