Monday, February 04, 2008

the super bowl and some close cussing

WOW what a great super bowl!! And the youth super bowl party was too.
There was one funny thing that happended at the end of the game, Josiah sat in a corner and cried I mean he cried he had tears and his face was red!
So during the game patriots scored with less that 5 minutes to play and brenny, lucas, jo, ethan and josiah all came over to me and started all going “HA” or What, what now”, and me and Cahlen took it but it was mostly all went towrds me becaise I am anti-patriots, I hate the patriots.
So I took all the “ha ha” and said nothing, but when the giants won josaih was sitting in his corner, and I said to jo and lucas “know what do got to say” because neither of them really cared about the game or the teams.
So I said that and Josiah said (more like yelled) “ shut your fucccc” and he stopped and said “ freaking heck up”.
And I really thought he was gunna say the F word it was so close being finished, and his parents were there and they were both up stares, so I think he got off lucky that time but he needs to fix that, but my mouth fell open when he said that, or all most said that. and i looked over and emily was there and she looked suprised too.

But other than that, that was one of the greatest super bowl in a while, that maybe just be because it’s fresh in my mind, but it is cool because a Manning won last year and another one won this year and this year the team was a wild card.


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