Tuesday, April 08, 2008


So i'm reading this book on prayer called Praying with power, and it's a really good book, and the auther is lowell lundstrom, and i just think he is awesome, because if i was to write a book, this is how i would write, and i think thats why i like it so much.
But anyways in the book it says, "Surveys by other organizations"(he said that because earlyier he says that one in ten reads the Bible and prays as little as ten minutes a day)" show that the averge Christian family in the U.S. has the TV set turned on more than five hours a day. Is it any wonder that the devil's power is growing stronger and many Christains are growing weaker?
It is quite natural and inevitable writes Dean Inges, that is we spend 16 hours daily of our waking life in thinking about the afairs of the world, five minutes in thinking about god ... this world will seem 200 times more real to us than GOD"

Now if that does not freak you out, then you need help!

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