Thursday, May 08, 2008

I can not wait for this up coming week! let me tell you why.
First theres sunday which is church and then after church we come home and play basketball and my dad shows me some moves.
And then theres monday and on monday i have school (not so much fun) but then that night we go to the adel middle school and play basketball with guys from the church, and this week we are going to try and play full court. And i love to play basketball.
And then there is tuesday, and on tuesday i'm going to prayer, and i have all ways wanted to go to prayer, and i can't wait. and i'm not supposed to be saying this but i figure, the only people who read this is teenagers, and a lot of the teenagers are all ready going, and the only other poeple who read this are parents of teenagers, or family members. so i think i'm safe there.
So that's why i can't wait until this up coming week.
O and then after prayer it's wensday, and that's church, see now doesn't that sound like an awesome week.


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