Friday, June 27, 2008

What's your Word for Life?

Wow has it been a long time since I posted?
Well I think its fare to say that an average amount of stuff has been going on in my life and with the people around me.
One of the things that’s has been going on is that during the flooding we had to help out Alex & Mariah take there stuff out of there apartment because Alex was freaking about the water because all the bussiness and city owned places were putting sand around there buildings.
So while we were moving we were using a truck of some friends of Alex & Mariah had while going up a street that is up hill, the truck ran out of gas (those people are air heads) so we had to push the truck (in traffic) into a declining hill and the went like 3 or 4 blocks. So that was fun!!!

And one of the things that will happen to me soon is Drivers ed. I start on July 7th and finish July 24th, just in enough time be an arron boy fot the august 3rd out reach.

So yeah there has been some fun and not so fun stuff going on.
So yeah life, interesting HUH? Yeah interesting is a good word to describe Life.
I don’t think it matters who you are, life will always be interesting!
I think that will be one of my new sayings! So when people ask me how it’s going? I will say, well there is no better word to describe it than interesting.
Or I’ll say something along that line.

Well that’s all that’s in my big head, for now atleast!

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