Thursday, March 23, 2006

What's up/ birhtday day/ past birthday

What's up no one but Kim reads my blog.
If you read my blog you would have seen that I changed my blog address because I hate words mixed with numbers, its just one of my many pet peeve's, so I changed it, from connermcginnis92 TO connerlawrence.
WOW I have posted 4 days in a row.
Tonight were going to Layne & Sara's to watch the DUKE game, I'm not shure who to go for, because if DUKE wins and WVU wins than they both have to play each other and they are my to favorite teams in the NCAA.
OK today is my dads birthday( witch is why I think its wierd were going over to LAynes on dads birthday, get were I'm going here) and Monday was Laynes (happy birthday), there is 4 birthdays in the church today, my Dad, Kathy Benny, Jessica, Zack.
Well Alex comes home on Sunday and that means another person, loud yes, likes only peanut butter, yes, has not eaten anything but peanut butter when she comes is over, yes, has turned down lots of awesome meals, yes,
likes my brother, yes, thats right Mariah.

Well nothing else,



Nokeo08 said...

you dork you put your new address
on your brothers blog but not mine.
conner that hurts that hurts me right to my very core.

Nokeo08 said...
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Nokeo08 said...

First of all you don't spell it benney, its beni. And secondly
jessica who (as if i did not all
ready know) and zack who? and thirdly...OK i don't have a thirdly but if i did it would be cool.

.... said...

Jessica, your sister in law. DA DA DA DA DA and DA again.
Obi's nephew.

And i told you at church what my new address was, so take that DEEP DEEP DEEP DeEp dEeP and EEPDA.

Nokeo08 said...

u r a dork what is with the beep beep and da da crud

.... said...

First of all there is no beep beep.
And Second of all, well i can't think of the second one.

I never got your chess e-mail.