Saturday, March 25, 2006


Well I found a new team and they lost.
Last night we (me and my dad) watched some more b-ball and I found a new team I like,
the team is Washington (wash.) I like them because of there center, because there center can make 3pointers, and I like centers that can make 3pointers.
Last night was the best game I have ever watched, the game started at 9:10 and ended at 12:00 and it was like a pro game the score was 98,92 and wash. Could of won but Applebee messed up, but man that was awesome, wash. Should of won.
So now I don't know who to go for, I don't like any of the teams that are left.
I might go for Texas.

Well tonight I'm going to the youth movie thing.
I wonder what movie were going to watch?
Well today is day 6.

B-ball rocks!!!



Nokeo08 said...

who are the other teams

"b-ball" does not rock.

.... said...

well now NOVA, LSU, GMU, florida, and one other team.
Maybe if you watched it you would know.

Nokeo08 said...

i don't watch cause it is stupid