Thursday, March 30, 2006

I have great reflexs... But there a little stupid

Well wensday was cool.
Played some basketball with Brenny and I won like 5 games out of six, then after some amount of time we went to church and praise and worship was cool, and then my mom preached and she did a good job, you could tell she had the nervis at first but once she got in her groove she was just fine.
And i droped a 25pd brick on my knee.
Well i was getting the bricks off of the basketball hoop (the bricks hold it down) and i was getting them off with one in each hand and one was slipping so i threw one and the other one fell and i tryed to catch it with my knee (stupid me).
After church we came home and watched "LOST" (that show rocks).
OOO i should say what happend on Tuesday. Well on Tuesday Mariah came over (like allways). And we watched the "UNIT"(that show rocks to).
Today nothing happend but the cool storm (storms rock)
and Mariah is over here (of course she is).

I hope this picture works!!!
Tell me if it dose or dose not!!!

Well Saturday layne & sara are coming over and watching some b-ball.

Well thats all i got to say,

Monday, March 27, 2006


Sunday was awesome first we went to church and praise and worship was cool, and it was not 1/2 bad.
After church Layne & Sara came over for Dads birthday,
Right after they got there Layne, Alex and Dad came out side and the four of us played a game of basketball (that was fun. I so badly want to start playing again).
Right before we were playing we were just shooting it and Brenny was out there, and some how a ball bounced over and hit him in the face (I think some one missed a shot and the bounced over and hit him in the face) and so it was bleeding and we were all huddled around him and he just pulled out the tooth that was bleeding.
After he went in side, we (Alex, Dad, Layne and me) played a game of basketball and it was me and Alex vs Layne and Dad, I guarded Layne and Alex got my Dad, yae they won.
It wasn’t fare, my Dad got all the rebounds, and Layne is fast, and at first I played ball hog and that’s why we lost.
I think the score was 16 (me and Alex) 21.
After the game we went in side and had some lunch (we had catfish).
After lunch we watched some basketball and Goerge Mason won, and after watching some of the game we went to Jordan Creek and my Mom got an ipod nano.
She’s wanted to get one ever since I had Lisa’s (I put songs on it).
That place rocks!!!!! When we were there we took some cool picture's. I'm gonna see if Alex can help me put it on my blog.
And after we got home I saw that Florida won, so the final four teams are Goerge Mason, Florida, LSU and UCLA, I’m going for Goerge Mason and Florida.
After we saw who won we went back out side and played one more game of basketball but this time Mariah and Brenny played. The teams were, Layne, me and Mariah vs Dad, Alex and brenny.
Mariah did pretty well, she kept Brenny bizzy. My Dad was hard to guard. And it was hard to play on such a little place with so many people.
Dad and me want to start playing again (we use to play with about 8 guys from church).
After we were done we went inside and had some grub and then Layne & Sara left, and after they left Mariah, Alex, Brenny, Dad and I went down stairs and played some pool,
And then Alex took Mariah home.
Today I woke up and just had to lay in bed for little bit because my back hurt so bad,
I think it hurt from jumping and trying to block Laynes shots, and from trying to get rebounds and block my Dads shots, I’m going to ask him tonight if he can crack it.
I forgot to post last night, if I would of, I would of had a perfect week of posting.

Well that’s all I got to say,

Saturday, March 25, 2006


Well I found a new team and they lost.
Last night we (me and my dad) watched some more b-ball and I found a new team I like,
the team is Washington (wash.) I like them because of there center, because there center can make 3pointers, and I like centers that can make 3pointers.
Last night was the best game I have ever watched, the game started at 9:10 and ended at 12:00 and it was like a pro game the score was 98,92 and wash. Could of won but Applebee messed up, but man that was awesome, wash. Should of won.
So now I don't know who to go for, I don't like any of the teams that are left.
I might go for Texas.

Well tonight I'm going to the youth movie thing.
I wonder what movie were going to watch?
Well today is day 6.

B-ball rocks!!!


Friday, March 24, 2006

West Virginia University/ update

If you don't like basketball do not read this part, but read the second part.

Well First Duke lost then the awesome WVU lost,
Well I'm not a big Duke fan but I like them, there like my 2 favorite team and as you should know by now WVU is in the number one in my book.
Last night all the teams that I wanted to go on lost, First Duke then WVU and then Gonzaga, man what a bad night.
That was awesome how they were down in the half by 12 and then WVU makes 8 points in one minute, THAT WAS AWESOME, but they still lost by that little bit,
that was so awesome how Pittsnogle made that last shot!!!, but then Texas came down and put one away with the guy who had done so bad the whole game won it for them.
And then Gonzaga who should of won lost.
So all the teams I liked are out

OK know more b-ball for now.
Wow 5 days in a row.
Well today we went to lunch for my dads birthday ( I know it sounds weird, him treating us for his birthday) and we went to Mexican and they were singing happy birthday to this girl and we wanted to have them sing to dad, but we were one day to late.
Tonight me and dad are going to watch some b-ball.
Me and dad are going for the underdogs now since all our teams are gone.


Thursday, March 23, 2006

What's up/ birhtday day/ past birthday

What's up no one but Kim reads my blog.
If you read my blog you would have seen that I changed my blog address because I hate words mixed with numbers, its just one of my many pet peeve's, so I changed it, from connermcginnis92 TO connerlawrence.
WOW I have posted 4 days in a row.
Tonight were going to Layne & Sara's to watch the DUKE game, I'm not shure who to go for, because if DUKE wins and WVU wins than they both have to play each other and they are my to favorite teams in the NCAA.
OK today is my dads birthday( witch is why I think its wierd were going over to LAynes on dads birthday, get were I'm going here) and Monday was Laynes (happy birthday), there is 4 birthdays in the church today, my Dad, Kathy Benny, Jessica, Zack.
Well Alex comes home on Sunday and that means another person, loud yes, likes only peanut butter, yes, has not eaten anything but peanut butter when she comes is over, yes, has turned down lots of awesome meals, yes,
likes my brother, yes, thats right Mariah.

Well nothing else,


Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Well it is done.
I hope you read my last couple of posts, because i put my new address on one of those posts, so if you didn't your loss.

Well tonights church and i hope sound go's well, and then there's the preaching.
Well thats all i got to say so bye,


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Snow or Snow

Well today was fun, I went out side around 11am and took some pictures, because when i'm bord (witch is allmost al the time) i mess with some pictures and so far i'm running out of pictures, so i went out side and took about 140 pictures and then ten more of Mackenzie & Brenny, and out of those 140 i got like three good ones, and at the end of my post i'll show you them.
OOOO man i have had so many head-echs, i think its from my glasses.

This is my favorite one.

If you look at this one it looks like the trees go in a circle (the bottom one).

These two are the the top two.
Well thats all i got, so bye.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Four Eyes

Well on Wensday Ryan showed me how to run sound better, so now I think I'm 1/2 way to doing sound ok.
And on Friday Target called and said that my glasses were done. And then that night Mariah and I watched the Edgecomb and Guthrie's kids.
And on Saturday we went and got my glasses and after that we went and looked at a cameras for Layne & Sara. And after we looked at cameras we went and got a couple of things for sound from the Guitar Center (that place rocks) (they have some sound boards that are Awesome, and then there were some that were a lot of money ) and after we got what we needed we went to the church and fixed my Dads mic. And Laynes mic.
And on Saturday I got a shirt that said "Kiss Me I'm Irish"so I wore it on Sunday and Kathy Benny, Mick Mack and Stacy phow (I think that's how you spell it) tried to kiss me but Stacy was the only one that got a kiss of, that wasn't family related, my Dad got me to.
And when i got to church the first thing cahlen said was "YOU LOOK A DORK!!!"(because of the glasses) and I said " you just want them"
All day Sunday I just slept and watched basketball. Go West Virginia.
And at youth we had a birthday thing for every one in youth that has a birthday in March (there is a lot of people in the church that have birthdays in March).
And every one in youth found out that for some weird reason Natasha is afraid of cotton balls, yes that's right cotton balls, and if your afraid of cotton ball and have a brother in youth, your gonna get it, and if cahlen is in youth, your gonna get it.
And after ice cream and cake we went and took some funny pictures.
And after youth my Dad told me that West Virginia is in the same bracket as DUKE, the best team ever. So if West Virginia( WVU) wins there next game then they have to play DUKE. But the next team WVU (West Virginia University) plays is Texas or Texas
St. I'm not shure, but WVU should be able to beet them no sweat.
I like WVU because there whole team can hit three pointers. And that's what I like to do. Even WVU center can hit three's. So good luck WVU.

That was so bad when IOWA lost, NorthWestern just got lucky.

Well the hardest thing about whereing glasses is that when you sweat the noise piece keeps sliding.
Like today I went down stairs and got Alexs room ready and I was down there for two hours and my glasses kept sliding.
Speaking of cleaning, I'M COURSED, I cleaned our whole basement(and we have a big basement), I just couldn't stop it was awesome. So now we don't have to do it on Saturday.
I guess thats why my room is never dirty, Cahlen calls me a girl because my room is never dirty.

It is so cool to see far away!!!

On Wendsday i'm going to changing my blog address to

Well that's all I have to say so bye.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Weekend update

Well its been a while since I last posted, so I will just start on Saturday.
So on Saturday we did some work, layed some seeds, planted some trees, pulled up some crab grass and nothing else really happened. But Sunday is a whole different story. First it started with that stupid mic of my dads, and it did help that, that channel is the worst channel ever, and after church I wanted to fix it but there was a miny meeting going on in there so I didn't get it done. So then I figured I would do it at youth but then we had youth in the back so I had to get the ipod hooked up and then there was a couple of channels that didn't work, so I didn't get it done.
Well in youth Layne kind of finished up on going out into our schools and sharing the gospel, but since I'm homeschooled I don't really fit in that group, but maybe if I play sports this year I can.
But the best part of youth was the worship, I don't know what it was but for the first time in a long time I was really really really into worship, I mean I've been into worship before but His presence was there like never before and for the first time in a long I got on my knees and was worshiping, so basically youth was AWESOME.
But Layne was mean to me (I think) said I was a math geek and I think he was making fun of me, because if you are going to say some is smart in our youth group its Mariah,
not me. And at youth Layne read this really cool verse, if you want to read it go to Laynes blog.
So after youth I went home.
Nothing happenend yesterday and nothing happend today, right now i'm watching "american idol" and Simon is really nice tonight.
And i forgot to watch "the unit" i hope its on Saturday!!!.
See yae,

Saturday, March 11, 2006


Well if your birthday was yesterday(March 10th) you share it with Chuck Norris him self.
So here are some Chuck Norris facts.

1. If you ask Chuck Norris what time it is, he always says, "Two seconds till." After you ask, "Two seconds to what?" he roundhouse kicks you in the face.

2. MacGuyver can build an airplane out of gum and paper clips, but Chuck Norris can kill him and take it.

3. Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.

4. Filming on location for Walker: Texas Ranger, Chuck Norris brought a stillborn baby lamb back to life by giving it a prolonged beard rub. Shortly after the farm animal sprang back to life and a crowd had gathered, Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked the animal, breaking its neck, to remind the crew once more that the good Chuck giveth, and the good Chuck, he taketh away.

5. There are no disabled people in the world. Only those people who have felt the wrath of Chuck Norris.

6. The first rule of Chuck Norris is, you do not talk about Chuck Norris.

7. Chuck Norris was the Fifth Ninja Turtle, but he was kicked out when he refused to wear a protective shell and continued to maintain that "Roundhouse Kick" was the only weapon he needed.

8. It was once believed that Chuck Norris actually lost a fight to a pirate, but that is a lie, created by Chuck Norris himself to lure more pirates to him. Pirates never were very smart.

9. If Chuck Norris were an Olympic athlete, the Olympics would be canceled. Every four years they would just mail Chuck Norris his 237 gold medals.

10. Chuck Norris once took sleeping pills. They made him blink.

11.Switzerland isn't really neutral. They just haven't figured out what side Chuck Norris is on yet.

12. The first lunar eclipse took place after Chuck Norris challenged the sun to a staring contest. Chuck Norris always wins.

13. Bullets dodge Chuck Norris

14.Chuck Norris once played Jenga. The result was the Empire State Building.

15. Chuck Norris once fought a bear simply because it dared to grow more body hair than Chuck Norris.

16. Chuck Norris once roundhouse kicked Bruce Lee, breaking him in half. The result was Jet Li and Jackie Chan.

17. Chuck Norris was sending an email one day, when he realized that it would be faster to run.

18. If you see Chuck Norris crying he will grant you a wish, if your wish is dying.

19. When Chuck Norris exercises, the machine gets stronger.

20. Similar to a Russian Nesting Doll, if you were to break Chuck Norris open you would find another Chuck Norris inside, only smaller and angrier.

21. The reason newborn babies cry is because they know they have just entered a world with Chuck Norris.

22. Chuck Norris refers to himself in fourth person.

23. Chuck Norris does not leave messages. Chuck Norris leaves warnings.

24. Cars were invented to have a faster way of fleeing from Chuck Norris. Not to be outdone, Chuck Norris invented the car accident.

25. When Chuck Norris was in middle school, his English teacher assigned an essay: "What is Courage?" Chuck Norris received an "A+" for writing only the words "Chuck Norris" and promptly turning in the paper.

26. Chuck Norris can speak braille.

27. When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.

Well thats all the chuck facts I got now.
I got my glasses last night, well I don't have them yet but I will have a week from Monday, I will have a picture of them on my blog once I get them.
Got to go bye,


Thursday, March 09, 2006


Well today I got my eyes checked and this is what I think Dr. Broek Said that I've got 20/70 vision and then my dad says that he has 20/60 vision so I think I miss understood what Dr. Broek said, but the best part was when I could read the smallest line on the chart, it was so awesome, and after I was done getting my eyes checked me and my Mom went and looked at some glasses, but they did not have a very big selection so we left that place and went too target and looked at some glasses and I found a pair that I liked, and they were the kind that have the clip on sun glasses and that would be like a super bonus, but they were pretty small but they were still pretty cool, and then there was some glasses that were kinda rectangle and I kinda liked them, but I think I like first ones the best.
Another favorite was when Dr. Broek showed me what my vision is and what my new vision will be, that was totally awesome.
So now I will be able to see what any buddy on the stage says to do, like when my mom or Layne tell me to turn them up I will be able to see what they say to do and I won't have to look like a dork to see!!!
Tomarrow we are going to look at more glasses and maybe get some and so i might have some by Sunday or Wensday.

And from now on I think I will put on a picture at the end of all of my posts.


Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Well I know it’s been a long time since I’v posted but I’m posting now,
So were should I start.
Well I think I will start on Friday, ok on Friday I killed a possum for eating our cat food (with my pellet gun) and that night Brenny went to a birthday party and Troy slept with me, and he slept the whole night.
And on Saturday Brenny came home around 10:15 and he slept allmost the whole time he was home, but the funniest part of the day was when Brenny went and got ready for church. I was just laying on the couch and he went and got ready for church. He thought it was Sunday but it was still Saterday and then he threw the hair brush in the toilet, LOL.
And on Sunday after church Cahlen came over and we played pool and then we went to youth, and after youth I came home and we finished watching “Just Like Heaven”.
And on Monday nothing much happened in the day, but at night we watched “Walk The Line” and that is a good movie and so is “Just Like Heaven” but I like “Walk The Line” better, mostly because I did not see all of “Just Like Heaven” my dad just told me had happened at the beginning.
And then on Tuesday nothing much happened.
And now here I am. Tomarrow I’m going to the place were I get my eye’s checked, I wonder how bad my eye’s are?
And I have stat counter, If you want to see it just go all the way to the bottom.


Thursday, March 02, 2006

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Cut the Rope

Well Monday I watched “deal or no deal” like I said I would (and I liked the guy that was on) but Brendon was saying this show is stupid (because he wanted too go play pool) all they do is get free money and his favorite thing too say was” just take the money.” And then there’s Dad he does not like the show but he watches it. STORY TIME, in December when the show first was on we (Dad, Mom, Brendon and I) were Christmas shopping and Alex stayed home, so we were at Kohls and Dad and I went into get Brenny a Christmas present, we got it and Dad tells me go to the car so I said ok and went to the car When I get out there I find out that they (Brendon and Mom) were listening too Alex on the cell phone tell them what was happening on “deal or no deal” and then after a bit Dad come’s out (and Dad thinks this is the dumbest show ever) and we tell him what we were doing(I think or we hid it for a little bit and finaly he found us out, I can’t remember) and so guess what he said “how much money is the banker offering him (remember this is the guy who hate’s this show) and I don’t know if he let us keep listening so we would not ask questions about what he was doing, who knows. STORY TIME OVER.
Well I’ll skip Tuesday and go right on too Wednesday on Wednesday I went outside (but not Monday or Tuesday) and it was super nice, (70) fishing time and I spent like three hours outside and then went too church and for some reason my ears hurt and I couldn’t hear so I would have to pop my jaw and listen and and try and fix it in three minutes and it kept getting harder to pop my jaw so I don’t have a clue if it was good, I’m guessing it was not to great(and Sara,Guthries it was not good on Sunday). Like always after church we came home and watched “Lost”(it was was not a very good episode. All it did tell you a few things but those few things were good, just not great) and well today I woke up at 8:00 and 9:00 we left to go to the place were my Mom had surgery on her knee so she could have a check up and when she was getting her check up I taught Kinzie how too play “rock, paper, scissors” but she plays it rock, paper, scissers, cut the rope and she always wins with cut the rope and then we went to look at some more flooring (wood flooring) and then we came home and here I am.
Well not too much more to say.
