Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Where Am I !!!

Ok last night we were sitting around and I grabed the phone book and was just looking around in it. And I decided I would find out if our phone number was in Earlham or Redfield. Because we have a Redfield phone number, but an Earlham address. So I was looking in Redfield first and saw that we weren’t there, so I went to Earlham and saw that we weren’t there eather, so then I went to Adel, and we weren’t there eather. So then I told my mom and she said let me see that, but before she gets it Brenny grabs it. And he says”Conner’s right”. So then my gets it, and she looks it over for a while, and then my dad comes out and my mom says, “ Conner discovered that we are not in the phone book”

So boo yah to me. Every one doughted me but I was right.



Anonymous said...

Kudos to you! :) You do really good at sound I just want you to know. You seem so grown up! :)

Nokeo08 said...

she's lying

Jeremy T. Brancheau said...


That last comment shows your true depth. Thanks for making my point for me. You did it better than I ever could have.


Mrs Edgey said...

Ooooooo, ouch Cahlen... Jess cannot tell a lie. : ) She's like George Washington.