Monday, February 27, 2006


Well hello again, sorry it has been so long, I haven’t posted in a long time because there was nothing too post about and I’v been doing some reading, right now I’m reading “This Present Darkness”(bye Frank Peretie) it is a good book,with couple of slow parts but that’s ok.
Not too much going in right now, I am a little dissapointed that the Olympics are done but now I can start watching normal TV again, that won’t be so bad.
Well on Thursday we went for my first time too the Adel library, that place is not bad,
On Friday we went to town to look at new wood flooring (personally I like darker colors) first we went too archers then home depo and then home watched some Olympics and then on Saturday layed around and was lazy (not my mom she cleaned the basement and it looks nice, won’t stay that way for long and then Dad went to the church to get music ready and me and my Mom watched some of a movie and then she left for worship practice and then after they got home we played some pool ( I think) and then on Sunday I woke up at 6:30 fell back asleep and then woke up at 7:00 and fell back asleep again and then woke up 7:45 and stayed up and then we went too church( sound was all wack) and then it mellowed out it still did not sound good but ok. And then after church Layne & Sara came out (Layne was tired from some big time cop stuff) and after they left we went too archers too get some more sample’s and now we are down too the final five (all the one’s I like) and after we got the sample’s we went and got a movie, so we got “Cinderella Man” that is a great movie, I like movie’s like where the under dog wins.
So today has been good so far.
Tonight I want to watch “deal or no deal” I think it’s a good show, but my Dad does not like it like I do!!!!!

"Teh" means "cool" in Thai. (Pronounced "tay").



Anonymous said...

You are to hard on yourself! Sound was great..

Anonymous said...

I agree sound went good

Anonymous said...

I agree sound was fine