Saturday, April 15, 2006

Cappie Are My New Favorite Fish!!!

Yesterday was awesome!!!
First my Dad went to work for a couple of hours and then he went to Shceels (i think thats how you spell it) and got some fishing stuff, and then came home and we packed up the car with the fishing stuff.
And then we went over to Beaver Lake and went to this spot that you kind of have to take a walk to get to. And most of the time we allways catch something. Usely we catch Catfish, lots of bass, Bullheads and Sunfish; we catch them at this spot because there is a big drop off.
Well when we got to this spot we threw our polls out there, and I used a jig and Brendon, Mom and Dad used worms and minnows,
And we were out there about 30 or 40min, and then I caught a 10 1/2 inch bass, and then about another 20 or 30min went bye and we caught nothing, and it was really windy so it was just not a good day at beaver. So we went to this farmers pond that Dock Pierce told us about, and he told us that it was awesome (my words not his) so we went over to it, its not like it was much of a drive it was right next to it. So we went over there and I threw my pole in and 5min after it was in the water my pole went straight under and I brought it in and saw that it was a Crappie, and we got it up and and put it in the water on a string. So after we got it on a string I ran to the car and got this metel cage thing and when I got back (the car was a run away) Dad had caught another Crappie.
We didn’t take all the stuff to the car at first because we hadn’t ever been there.
And we were catching them 10 feet out and they were bitting like crazy for the first hour and then the bass started bitting for the next hour.
At the end of the night we had 7 big plate sized Crappie and 2 huge Bass and 2 ok sized bass.
Before we left I thought we should keep them and every one else said that we should toss them and then once we tossed them Dad said that we should of kept them because the Crappie were HUGE.
And one of the bass was 14 or 15 inchs long.
Layne wants us to take him there tonight or tomarrow night.
And the wind doesn’t get the water there and that’s awesome.
And reel kept coming off.
And my Mom kept loosing the fish it was funny.

Crappie are my new favorite fish.

My Mom and Dad rock!!!



Anonymous said...

you spelled a lot of words wrong!!!j/k!!! moooohahahahahaha!!!

Anonymous said...

hey hey Cahlen was right you can't spell!!!!!LOL!!! fishing is fun though! t2yl! ttfn;)

Nokeo08 said...


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