Monday, February 13, 2006


Wow ATF is so cool,
First it started out with this girl called Jazz or something like that,
It started out with Jazz talking about ATF and the rest of the weekend and what was going to happen and then Desperation came out and did praise & worship and they are awesome they start out with a bunch of songs that the church already dose so that was cool and then they did a bunch of songs that I know so that was cool and it was cool when they stoped singing and every body else sang, but the hole band was not there the piano player was not the real player was not the actchoul piano player was suppost to the guitar player and I wish I could his name I do remember the guitar player who was playing there his name was Jon Egan he has a funky voice, after they were done the started the drama that was pretty good and then Ron Luce came out and preached that was good and after he was done he brought out Joel Johnson and Ron Luce took out all of the youth pastors out to talk to them and when he took them out Joel Johnson shared a little bit about his self and then Desperation came back out and after they wore done we went to the hotel and had some pizza and then went to our rooms I was with Layne, Jason, and Preston I was in the same bed as Layne and he kept kicking me in the middle of the night and and even before we went to sleep he was kicking me we went to bed at 12:00 and woke up at 6:00 and left at 7:00 and went to the place(Saturday) and when we got there Layne, Wendall and I went buy some stuff, I bought a really cool shurt and then we went back and it started with Jazz and she brought out Desperation and again they wure awesome and after them they did droma and then Joel Johnson came out and tought and after that we had a lunch, we went to Hardees for lunch I had this spicy sandwich thing(it was not spicy) there porchins are huge, after lunch we went back and Desperation came , they started every session, and after Desperation there was drama and then Joel Johnson came out and tought again and then there was a 25min break.
I dispise pictures and Natasha had a digital camera and she kept taking pictures of me and I hated that she got like 10 pictures of me, which did not make me too happy.
Then we started back up with Desperation and then drama and after that there was Joel Johnson, he did so many alter calls it was so cool, and after Joel Johnson we went to get dinner, after dinner Desperation started it or KJ-52 started it but I think Desperation started it and then KJ-52 came out (I do not like him) and then Jeremy Camp (he is cool, he is has the rock part of rock & roll) and then Joel Johnson tought and then Desperation did there thing and then there was some more drama and then Joel came back out and did his thing and then Desperation came out one more time and then Jazz came out an end it.
Then we went back to the church and then Layne took me home and got kinzie and I told my mom a little about it.
And then the next day (Sunday) I woke up at seven and went and did sound (and not to well).

TTFN(ta-ta for now)

1 comment:

Nokeo08 said...

conner we did not go to Hardees
we went to wendys for lunch and you for got to say that we went to arbys for dinner.