Monday, June 19, 2006

What A Weekend

Wow, I had a great weekend!!!
First on Saturday we went paintballing, and it was Layne, Alex, Dad, Brenny, Kevin, Josiha, Jesse Parker, Mark, Dan Allen and I.
And on the first game was Layne, Alex, Kevin, Dad and Dan. Against Jesse, Mark, Brenny, Josiah and I.
And on the first game it took along time to get back into my groove, so I run and hide in a bunker and then Brenny and Josiah come over and hide with me, and we’re trying to make a plan and Brenny almost shoots me in the head. And this whole time Dad and Dan are pounding us with paintballs. So we get a plan and Brenny runs and Dan shoots him, and then Josiah runs out and then back to me, so then I run and get shot out. Well we lost that one.
And on the second one, we did really good but still lost because Alex and Layne are really good and it was them against Jesse and Jesse is really good to, but alex and Layne won it for there team.
On the Third one Mark and I teamed up and guarded each other, and I took out my Dad and Dan, and Brenny and Josiah took Kevin out, and Mark got Alex or Layne out and Jesse got out, and some how we won with Mark, Josiah, Brenny and I, And then we won the Forth game to. And then we played a game called, Protect The President, and the object is to get the President (Kevin) with out having a gun, his secret sevice men (Layne, Alex, Dan and I) have to get the president from point A to point B, but we have to protect him from the assians (Jesse, Mark, Josiah and Brenny)(Dad sat this one out),
At the end we won!!! Layne and I were the only ones left at the end.
And then next game we played the same game but Layne, Alex, Dad and I were the assians, and every one else was secret service, we destroyed them, we took out all the there guys so Kevin ran for it and Alex was up on this two story bunker being a snipper, and when Kevin ran for it Alex destroyed him, Alex put a hole in his shirt, and made him do a flip, IT WAS AWESOME!!!! And evin if he would of got past Alex then my Dad was waiting for him!!
And then for the last game it was McGinnis vs everyone else, and we lost, but the ref cheated.
At the end of the fay Brenny almost shot me twice.
The weather was perfect!!!

We’re going back for my birthday, either late July or early August.

Well Yesterday we for Fathers Day we went Fishing out at Badger and I caught a 13inch bass and a huge, thick 16 1/2 inch bass. And then we came home and cleaned them, were going back some time next week, after the wedding!!!
But the worst part is that I lost the lure I was using.

Here they Are.


.... said...

Sorry about the blur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeremy T. Brancheau said...

I hope those wern't females... They are still spawning and ponds need fish that size to keep it stocked.

- Jeremy

.... said...

Nope, they were males. And man were they good!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we caught them at Badger. Man that place is big.