Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Aunt Phillis

Well on Saturday I found out that my great Aunt Phillis died, and the day before my grandma called and said that her body was shutting down.
When my grandma called and said that she had died my Dad said “oo I’m sorry” and my grandma said, “I’m not, she’s in a better place”.
The worst part is that I thiink she starved her self because she wouldn’t eat, she would just spit it out, and one time her daughter Pam came to feed her, and she tasted her food to make shure that it wasn’t nasty, and so Pam tasted it and thought that it was good, and so she gave some to her (Aunt Phillis) and she didn’t spit it out so she (Pam) said “wow mom your doing good” so she gave her some more and then Aunt Phillis spit it all out. She had been storing it in her mouth like a squirrel.

So today is the thing before the funeral, and I was close with my Aunt Phillis so it might be hard for me.
But it was hard for me the last time I saw her, because she was so skinny and she didn’t have very minny teeth and she could barly talk.

She allways gave me state quarters every time she saw me, and she would collect silver dollars for me too.

One time when Aunt Phillis was younger she and one of her friends wure playing cards and her friend cussed and Aunt Phillis said if you ever cuss again I will wash your mouth out with soap, so later her friend let it slip again and Aunt Phillis grabbed her by the ear into the bath room and sat on her and washed her mouth out with soap. True story.

I can’t wait to see her in heaven!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey hey hey!!! im sorry!!! i dont like funerals or the visitation things so i hope it wont be too hard for you!!! see you can think positive!!!