Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I love the rain!!!

WOW, it is so much fun to fish in the rain!!! Last night (Monday) Layne & sara came out, so Sara and my mom could do some wedding stuff and Layne asked me and Brenny if we wanted to go fishing and we said shure. So we packed up and we went to the pond that we allways go to. And when we got there, it started to sprinkle a little bit, and we said o the fish should be bitting, but they weren’t, so Brenny go’s to the other side of the pond, and then Layne pulls out a 13-14 inch bass and then Brenny pulls out a 11-12 inch bass. But then Brenny comes over puts it in this metel net thing, and tells us how he caught it, he was lifting up his shirt and doing some kind of a dance and song. Layne and me made so many jokes!!! We think the fish thought Brenny was submitting to the fish!!! And then me and Layne weren’t catching thing for while so we went over to the side that Brenny was on, (Because on Saturday Layne, Sara, Mariah, Alex and I went over to the pond and to the spot where Brenny was and we were catching them Ok) so we go over there, and then about 5min later it starts raining good and as soon as it doe’s Layne gets a fish and 2 seconds later I get a fish!!! And were gettinf them off and then Brenny gets a bit so were all getting them off I throw mine back out there and BOOM I got another one but as soon as I get it out of the water its mouth ripped (5 times that happened, Layne kept giving me crap that I lost five fish) and by this time it is raining HARD!!! Layne and I want to go the next time it rains!!!

We went fishing Thursday too and we had some Ok fishing, I had great fishing!!! I caught a 16-inch crappie it was BIG.
Saturday night was OK fishing.

I love jigs!!! I hate bobbers, I can’t beleave that I used to use bobbers!!!

OK doe’s anybody use there blogs any more but Kim and Alex And the new bloggers?

Conner/Gentle Giant


Jeremy T. Brancheau said...

Fish are more active when it rains or when it's about to rain beacuse the lowering of the barometric pressure causes them to feed. I agree on the jigs...however bobbers have their place. I have caught tons of Crappie on a bobber and a worm or a crappie nibble. If you are going to fish a lot then lean to stay diverse. Fish get used to bait and will stop taking it if it is presented too often.


.... said...

Ya all the crappie i have caught were on bobbers. And the 16-inch crappie was on a bobber.
I have never caught a crappie on a jig or loower!!
I just get so bored on a bobber. if i have a bobber i like to have a jig out too.

Jeremy T. Brancheau said...

First of all it's a lure and what is this I hear about you wearing gloves to touch the fish? What are you scared of?


Mrs Edgey said...

I've never heard of gloves while fishing.... do they come in a basic tackle box? Noooooo. Even girls can do it without gloves.

.... said...

Who told you this, Jeremy?
Was it Layne?

~!~ lisa ~!~ said...

i don't even have to wear gloves!!! come on be a man!!! no offence!!! but the fin things on their backs do hurt!!!

.... said...

only twice!! we were working and then we went fishing and i had them in my pocket, and just used them!! And the fish always slip out of my hand!!