Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Well it’s been along time, but I’m back. On Firday Cahlen came over and we hung out. And on Saturday it started out with us going to the Mens Meeting, and I did something that is WAY out of my comfort zone!!! And after the Mens Meeting I weed wacked, and my dad was the one who said “you should go weed wack”, so I did and when I was done he didn’t like it that I weed wacked in my good tenny shoes, and I said “you said I should go weed wack”. And I was doing it in the rain, and it isn’t a good Idea to weed wack in the rain when you’re sweating!!! I had a million bug bites. And then we went home and got ready to go to Mariah’s graduation cermony. And then to get some stuff for the Hog Roast, and then to Mariahs graduation reception, and hung out there for a while, and then went home.
On Sunday after church we came home and I slept for an hour, and then we went to the Hog Roast, and the food was good (like allways), but not a lot of people stayed because it was so hot, and after eating Cahlen, Alex and I played a game of football against 12 little kids (we did some good plays) And then when the both teams were tied (they got the first point) and they said that it wasn’t fare, we said that there was 4 of them for every one of us. Now I think that’s fare. So we got 2 got two of there players, and they got Tom, and it wasn’t fare then, so then we made a rule that Tom could not run the ball from the start.
And then we went over and played volleyball (I love volleyball), I’m not very good. I like being on Laynes team. I wish I could play it more.
And then later Cahlen had a bottle of water and would put water in the lid and dump it on people (teens), and then later to get Cahlen back, Leah, Lisa and Natasha dumped water and ice down his back. And then this whole thing (water war) broke out and some how I got in-volved with it. And they (Natasha) got me good because Cahlen was gone. But I’m going to get them back goo!!!!!!!
And on Monday we put up our pool, and got ready for the new floor.
And Last night we went and saw "Over The Hedge", that is an awesome movie if you have time to go see it, GO SEE IT.

Well that all I got, so bye.


Nokeo08 said...

But I’m going to get them back goo!!!!!!!

Now what is wrong here?

Anonymous said...

yeah i saw that but i can't say nething 'cause i know i have messed up on A LOT of words!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah I so was going to say something about that too but Cahlen got to it first! And just to let you know Conner if you get me back to bad then your in for it three times worse!!!

Anonymous said...

wat would u be able to do to him???

.... said...

yes what would u do to me?
What could you do to me?
How could u do anything to me?