Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Where Am I !!!

Ok last night we were sitting around and I grabed the phone book and was just looking around in it. And I decided I would find out if our phone number was in Earlham or Redfield. Because we have a Redfield phone number, but an Earlham address. So I was looking in Redfield first and saw that we weren’t there, so I went to Earlham and saw that we weren’t there eather, so then I went to Adel, and we weren’t there eather. So then I told my mom and she said let me see that, but before she gets it Brenny grabs it. And he says”Conner’s right”. So then my gets it, and she looks it over for a while, and then my dad comes out and my mom says, “ Conner discovered that we are not in the phone book”

So boo yah to me. Every one doughted me but I was right.


Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Chiminy Christmas, is’t it supposed to be spring and allmost summer. And it is snowing. We were just fishing on Friday and Saturday and were catching stuff, and now it’s snowing.
And it was 70 yesterday. This is just not right!!!

Well today we went to the doctor because I have this big lump in my right arm. So we went there and when the doctor finaly came, he saw it and couldn’t figure out what it was so he sent me to get an X-ray. And when he was walking out the door he said I’ll have to go and look in the book to see what is. So I come back from the X-ray room. And about 5-10 minutes go by and he comes back and says give me a pheew minutes, and he was holding a book. And then he comes back and says he went and asked another docter and she didn’t know what it was either, So he shows me the X-ray and says he called another doctor (lets call this doctor, doctor 3), and doctor 3 said that it was a plate thingy, that you get it after or before a growth spurt. Doctor 3 wants to make shure that he is right. So we are going to his place on Monday.
Why is it that all things that happen to me, happen to my arms?
And they sent the X-ray home with me so that I can take it to doctor 3. And on the folder that the X-ray was in there was a couple of names writen on it and I was looking for Lisa’s. Because you’d think Lisa’s would be on it, maybe it was on a different folder.

Well T2YL.


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Here Fishy Fishy Fishy.

Sunday night we went fishing again amd Brenny caught 24-30 bass and most of them were 10 inchs and a couple of them were 6 to 8 inchs.
Dad and me together caught 12-20 fish.
Every time Brenny threw his pole in he caught something and me and Dad where catching nothing for a long time.
One time Brenny dove for his pole because it was going in to the water, and poled out 16-inch bass, maybe 17 inchs.
At the end of the night we had five keepers, I caught a 2-3 pound bluegill and it was thick, and a bass that was a little over 12 inchs.
And Dad caught a 12-inch bass.
And Brenny caught a 12-inch bass and his big 16-inch bass.
But we threw them back. We don’t keep them unless we catch 12 keepers.
And around 7:00 we started to see these holes in the water, so we looked closer and saw that they where crappie laying there eggs. And so we watched them and they would chase all the fish away. But they were BIG crappie.
One time Brenny threw a small bass over close to them, when the bass was still on the hook and the crappie attacked him, it was funny.

Where going back this week with Layne.
I can’t wait!!! I think were going on Thursday or Friday.

And we went fishing last night again but not to the pond, we went to this place Jeremy told us about, I think its called Ceedar Lake.
And we went out there for about an hour, and the only thing we (Dad) caught was a 6-inch bass. And that night I was said that, “that place was a bad fishing spot”. But the cool thing was we saw this huge fish jump out of the water, and then we saw a whole bunch jump out all over the place. It was pretty cool. But the only bad part was that we wern’t catching any of them.
So this morning my Dad called and said that place was contaminated, with some junk from the farms around it.

And on Sunday I found out that I have to be an usher for Alex & Mariahs wedding.
I think that ushers and candle boys are just there so that the if the groom or the bride have people that they don’t want in the wedding but kinda have to put them in the wedding they can.
That’s just what I think!!!

T2YL (talk to you latter).


Saturday, April 15, 2006

Cappie Are My New Favorite Fish!!!

Yesterday was awesome!!!
First my Dad went to work for a couple of hours and then he went to Shceels (i think thats how you spell it) and got some fishing stuff, and then came home and we packed up the car with the fishing stuff.
And then we went over to Beaver Lake and went to this spot that you kind of have to take a walk to get to. And most of the time we allways catch something. Usely we catch Catfish, lots of bass, Bullheads and Sunfish; we catch them at this spot because there is a big drop off.
Well when we got to this spot we threw our polls out there, and I used a jig and Brendon, Mom and Dad used worms and minnows,
And we were out there about 30 or 40min, and then I caught a 10 1/2 inch bass, and then about another 20 or 30min went bye and we caught nothing, and it was really windy so it was just not a good day at beaver. So we went to this farmers pond that Dock Pierce told us about, and he told us that it was awesome (my words not his) so we went over to it, its not like it was much of a drive it was right next to it. So we went over there and I threw my pole in and 5min after it was in the water my pole went straight under and I brought it in and saw that it was a Crappie, and we got it up and and put it in the water on a string. So after we got it on a string I ran to the car and got this metel cage thing and when I got back (the car was a run away) Dad had caught another Crappie.
We didn’t take all the stuff to the car at first because we hadn’t ever been there.
And we were catching them 10 feet out and they were bitting like crazy for the first hour and then the bass started bitting for the next hour.
At the end of the night we had 7 big plate sized Crappie and 2 huge Bass and 2 ok sized bass.
Before we left I thought we should keep them and every one else said that we should toss them and then once we tossed them Dad said that we should of kept them because the Crappie were HUGE.
And one of the bass was 14 or 15 inchs long.
Layne wants us to take him there tonight or tomarrow night.
And the wind doesn’t get the water there and that’s awesome.
And reel kept coming off.
And my Mom kept loosing the fish it was funny.

Crappie are my new favorite fish.

My Mom and Dad rock!!!


Monday, April 10, 2006

You might think its stupid... But its really hard

Well todat we didn't go fishing because it was to windy.

Today Layne called and asked me if I wanted to go and play some golf and I said yes.
So we went and played 9 holes.
And Layne started and he hit it a little to the right.
And then I hit it perfectly strait and it was awesome, but at the end of the hole we had the same score and on the second hole Layne destroyed me, and on hole 3 and 4 he destroyed me but on the 5th hole I got one less par than Layne.
And I think on the forth hole I got stuck in a sand doon and it did the same thing on the 7th hole.
On the 8th hole I hit the ball so hard, that it went half way and then I hit it again and I think I hit to far, because we coundn't find it any were, I think it went in the water that was behind the hole.
And on the 9th hole I hit the ball so far that it went 5 feet in front of the hole, don't I rock. (so dose Layne for putting up with me)
I want to go again some time because it is so much fun!!!!!!!!
I want to go when Alex is home.
I would school Alex,and Layne would school me.
I hope he takes me again some time, I hope when he dose it will be with Alex.
And up there where I'm talking about the game I'm not as bad as it sounds. I think I beet him in 3 or 4 holes and we tied on one and Layne beet me one 4 or 5.

And if you think golf is easy go and play with Warren, he will mop the floor with you.

Well I think where going fishing on Friday.


Thursday, April 06, 2006

Fishing Time

Well today we (Brendon,Dad,Mom,Kenzie and I) went and got some stuff (2 dressers and a bed)(heavy stuff, it was kinda like real wood) for Alexs room.
And after we got the stuff, Dad went to the church and did his music.
And when we got home did yard work.
And tonight we are going to watch "yours mine and ours".
Kenzie is staying with us and last night she slept with me and she kept kicking me.
tomorrow Alex, Mariah,Layne, and Sara will sleep the whole time they are here (they went to an ATF in Detroit).
And Monday we are going fishing I can't wait.
Where going because I got a free day of fishing, on the day that I choose but it is Dads idea to go on Monday, and the lake that I want to go to.
So I can't wait.

Sorry its been so long, I will try to post more

Well that's all I got.