Monday, February 27, 2006


Well hello again, sorry it has been so long, I haven’t posted in a long time because there was nothing too post about and I’v been doing some reading, right now I’m reading “This Present Darkness”(bye Frank Peretie) it is a good book,with couple of slow parts but that’s ok.
Not too much going in right now, I am a little dissapointed that the Olympics are done but now I can start watching normal TV again, that won’t be so bad.
Well on Thursday we went for my first time too the Adel library, that place is not bad,
On Friday we went to town to look at new wood flooring (personally I like darker colors) first we went too archers then home depo and then home watched some Olympics and then on Saturday layed around and was lazy (not my mom she cleaned the basement and it looks nice, won’t stay that way for long and then Dad went to the church to get music ready and me and my Mom watched some of a movie and then she left for worship practice and then after they got home we played some pool ( I think) and then on Sunday I woke up at 6:30 fell back asleep and then woke up at 7:00 and fell back asleep again and then woke up 7:45 and stayed up and then we went too church( sound was all wack) and then it mellowed out it still did not sound good but ok. And then after church Layne & Sara came out (Layne was tired from some big time cop stuff) and after they left we went too archers too get some more sample’s and now we are down too the final five (all the one’s I like) and after we got the sample’s we went and got a movie, so we got “Cinderella Man” that is a great movie, I like movie’s like where the under dog wins.
So today has been good so far.
Tonight I want to watch “deal or no deal” I think it’s a good show, but my Dad does not like it like I do!!!!!

"Teh" means "cool" in Thai. (Pronounced "tay").


Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Dumb Facts

Look what i found, these are just some dumb facts i found.
Here the address

1.More Monopoly money is printed yearly than real money throughout the world.

2.Penguins are not found in the North Pole

3.People photocopying their buttocks are the cause of 23% of all photocopier errors worldwide.

4.A dentist invented the Electric Chair.

5.Rudolf the Red-nosed reindeer was actually created as a promotional figure for Montgommery Wards department stores.

6.A cockroach can live nine days without its head before it starves to death.

7.Percentage of Africa that is wilderness: 28% Percentage of North America that is wilderness: 38%

8.A whip makes a cracking sound because its tip moves faster than the speed of sound.

9.Walt Disney got the idea for Mickey Mouse from watching mice play in a garage, where he was forced to work, because he could not afford to rent an art studio.

10.About 100 people choke to death on ballpoint pens each year.

11.About a third of all Americans flush the toilet while they're still sitting on it.

12.Alexander Graham Bell's wife and mother were both deaf .

13.The "O" when used as a prefix in Irish surnames means "descendant of."

14.Alfred Hitchcock did not have a belly button. It was eliminated when he was sewn up after surgery.

15.Cockroaches break wind every 15 minutes.

16.Charlie Brown's dad was a barber.

17.Fish scales are an ingredient in most lipsticks.

18.Frank Baum, the writer of "The Wizrd of OZ", looked at his filing cabinet and saw A-N, and O-Z, hence "Oz."

19.The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp (marijuana) paper.

20.On average, every chocolate bar contains at least three insect legs.

21.Up until the early 20th century, New Jersey and Wisconsin had laws allowing the castration of epileptics


Monday, February 20, 2006


Well my weekend was good Saturday was good first it started it out getting up at 7:30 and then at noon we went too my Grandpa’s house (mom’s side) for his birthday (some ware between 63-75 years young) and when we were there dad set up there internet for them (he knows how too work a “dell” too well) and after he was done I set up there favorite’s for them, just stuff like car site’s and alex’s blog, When I was doing that there was this girl who I guess is my cusin and as soon as I got off she got right on.
After we left, we went to the church for worship practice and after worship practice we came home and watched some olympic’s, I think they were doing the skeleton, that is a weird sport, I think that would hurt if you ran in too the wall.
What do you think the hardest winter Olympic game is?
I think Ice Dancing, Skiing and that game were they jump really far on those giant ski’s.
What is your favorite? mine is that sport were they race on skate’s.
On Sunday I woke up at 7:00 and went too church did sound and after church my mom had a kinderchurch meeting and then went home and had lunch and then went too see her mom at the hospital because she had some surgery on her knee so she went bye her self and when she was gone we we got “batman begins” so after lunch we (brendon, dad and I) watched a scotish show called “monark of the glenn”(dry humor) and the after our show we watched “batman begins” it was not so good this time (last time I saw it was in the theater’s) and then after that we went down stairs too play some pool (8 ball) and after that dad took me to youth and my favorite verse that I read was “PHILIPPIANS 3.10, and after youth I came home and watched some olympic’s.
Well I got up today at 8:00 and then brendon, mom and I went to menards and then after that we went to the church so my mom could paint with vickie, they got a lot done brendon and I did some school there and tafter they were done we came home and here I am.
Well I can’t wait it’s allmost spring that means FISHING time and for christmas I got an “ I.O.U. one full day of fishing so I get to go too any lake I want(with in 1 hour’s drive)” so that’s why I can’t wait till spring and then there’s summer and in summer there’s my birthday and after my birthday I can get my permit.
Owww I should tell you I’m going to go git tested for glasses soon I have an appointment on March 9th but my mom want’s to git me in sooner, but it’s not that bad I just can’t see far away like when I’m doing sound I can’t see if my mom say’s turn me up or down or if layne say’s that he want’s to go up or something like that, and I can’t read far away either so that kinda sucks.

Did you know that there is a color called blurple!!!

Friday, February 17, 2006

Beauty and what geek

Well I hope you all watched “beauty and the geek”last night because I did,
You know I feel bad that wes’es(i think that's how you spell it) partner (I can’t remember her name, it might be Sarah but I can’t remember) had too leave the show, I do not feel so bad for wes he looks a lot better he’s not such a geek any more, he still is smart like one but know he looks a lot better.
Well since I’m talking about “beauty and the geek” I’m going to talk about the murse, Dude purse’s are for girls not for guy’s, I mean come on if a guy was walking in the park with a purse people would stare and what would make it even worse would be if he talked like, Hay dog was up, or Hay homey I mean that would freak me out, I would think he was a thief.
Ok I’m completely off subject back to “beauty and the geek” my mom thinks that josh or justin (the guy with the purse) is adorable because he is so nervous around girls and because he carry’s a purse know me, I think he is weird carrying a purse is just weird I think but he is funny like on the show last night where he said “I should of worn a diaper” that was funny.
My favoBrittanyam is “Jo & Brittany (I think that’s how you spell it) I like Jo because he is all way's nice to Brittany help's every one, and i like Brittany because she is funny and her funky voice.

How is it that just a couple of day’s a gsleeves wearing a long sleave shirt and was hot and know I’m wearing a sweatshirt and a coat so not right.
Weearliery I did not post earlyer I was gone, I had to wake up at 7:50 and I’m a 9:00ish kinda guy so that was hard on me, so we left the house around 8:40 and went too Mcy dy’s for bremenards andgeten went too menards to git paint so my mom can paint the super church room and after menards we went to the church too meet my Aunt Deby so she could my mom, after she left mom my brought Brendon and I home and she went back, and here I am.

Well got to go Brendon want’s to try an beat me at pool or something like that so ta-ta for for now.

Monday, February 13, 2006


Wow ATF is so cool,
First it started out with this girl called Jazz or something like that,
It started out with Jazz talking about ATF and the rest of the weekend and what was going to happen and then Desperation came out and did praise & worship and they are awesome they start out with a bunch of songs that the church already dose so that was cool and then they did a bunch of songs that I know so that was cool and it was cool when they stoped singing and every body else sang, but the hole band was not there the piano player was not the real player was not the actchoul piano player was suppost to the guitar player and I wish I could his name I do remember the guitar player who was playing there his name was Jon Egan he has a funky voice, after they were done the started the drama that was pretty good and then Ron Luce came out and preached that was good and after he was done he brought out Joel Johnson and Ron Luce took out all of the youth pastors out to talk to them and when he took them out Joel Johnson shared a little bit about his self and then Desperation came back out and after they wore done we went to the hotel and had some pizza and then went to our rooms I was with Layne, Jason, and Preston I was in the same bed as Layne and he kept kicking me in the middle of the night and and even before we went to sleep he was kicking me we went to bed at 12:00 and woke up at 6:00 and left at 7:00 and went to the place(Saturday) and when we got there Layne, Wendall and I went buy some stuff, I bought a really cool shurt and then we went back and it started with Jazz and she brought out Desperation and again they wure awesome and after them they did droma and then Joel Johnson came out and tought and after that we had a lunch, we went to Hardees for lunch I had this spicy sandwich thing(it was not spicy) there porchins are huge, after lunch we went back and Desperation came , they started every session, and after Desperation there was drama and then Joel Johnson came out and tought again and then there was a 25min break.
I dispise pictures and Natasha had a digital camera and she kept taking pictures of me and I hated that she got like 10 pictures of me, which did not make me too happy.
Then we started back up with Desperation and then drama and after that there was Joel Johnson, he did so many alter calls it was so cool, and after Joel Johnson we went to get dinner, after dinner Desperation started it or KJ-52 started it but I think Desperation started it and then KJ-52 came out (I do not like him) and then Jeremy Camp (he is cool, he is has the rock part of rock & roll) and then Joel Johnson tought and then Desperation did there thing and then there was some more drama and then Joel came back out and did his thing and then Desperation came out one more time and then Jazz came out an end it.
Then we went back to the church and then Layne took me home and got kinzie and I told my mom a little about it.
And then the next day (Sunday) I woke up at seven and went and did sound (and not to well).

TTFN(ta-ta for now)

Monday, February 06, 2006

Why, Why, Did you do this to me

How did the Seahawks lose they were doing so well, They had good defense in the beginning and good offence and they got first point they should of won.
Well I guess it's not all bad that they lost,I got five bucks,
Let me explain at the superbowl party for the youth group, at at Layne and Sara's,
Layne, Sara, Wendell, and Angie came up with this game kinda thing were we would all say what we thought that team would git like the Steelers passing game at half time and there was Seattle's passing game would be and what we thought the half time score would be with both teams combined and same for the end of the game
so I said that Steelers would pass 78 yards at half time and 179 for the seahawks
and I thought half time score would be 17 with both teams combined and 48 at the end of the game, I was right on target with Steelers passing game and if MATT HASSLEBACK
would of made one more touchdown I would of got all three half time things,
owe I should say what you would win if you were right for each you got the closest to you 5 dollars, and I almost had all 4 right.
I hope I explained it ok.(leave a comment if I expained badly)
This year's game was not very good, There was a few good plays but not a lot,
The panther, patriot game was a good game,
I hope that the giant's make it next year or the falcons and maybe the bears.

Conner out.