Monday, August 07, 2006

Just A Whats Up With Me

Well it has been along time since I last posted.
Well let’s see… since the last ime I posted I got an ipod Nano for my birthday, and it so rocks!! I use it everyday!! And since I last posted I went to those clases that talked about on my last post, and they were stupid, and so simple!!!
And since the last time I posted I got my permit and it is awesome, I got 5 days after my birthday because we had to get a new birthcertifacate and then we went and got it, and I only missed 6 but I should of only missed 5 because one of them was worded weird. And in my picture I look like a monkey!!! And my dad tried to get me to laugh, so I started to laugh and then really fast I had to straighten my face out really fast.
And right after I got my permit me and my dad went driving for 3 hours and the next dad I got to drive for 2 more hours. And tail-gaters are a pain in the but.
And the other day my dad finaly let me drive on the interstate and the trucks are freaky!!
And were going on vaction on Sunday (13th, I think) right after church, and my dad is going to drive until were out of Ames and then I get to drive from there on!!
O yeah were going to Minnesota, and go and see my moms uncle, for a couple of days and then go farther up state and stay on a in a cabin on a lake and do some fishing, that should be awesome!! I can’t wait fishing for three days and we plan on having a whole night of fishing.
And then were coming home Sunday morning, unpack and then go to church.
We will be so tired.
It will be kind of weird not being at church on Wedsday night.

O yeah and I found out that my name is spelled wrong!! my dad wanted my name to be spelled CONNER, but on my birthcertifacate says that my name is spelled CONNOR, so on my permit my handwriting is really bad because that was the first time i have ever spelled my name Connor McGinnis. But i'm still going to spell it CONNER.

Well I’ll try to post when we get back. Bye.


.... said...

I don't like it like that did you get nothing out of the post?!!!

Anonymous said...

ur not fair... i hardly get to drive newhere!!! but im still happy u missed more then me so u cant rub it in my face!!!

.... said...

yeah i'm wright from The Mall Of America right now.
And i got to drive half way up here, so HAHAHA.

Anonymous said...

ur really not fair... i just told my mom that i should drive more and shes just like ur NOT drivin' MY car!!! but i think i get to drive this weekend!!! but we'll have the boat on the back!!!NOT FAIR!!!

.... said...

yeah i got too drive 4 hours on the way back (all the way).HAHAHAHA

Anonymous said...

NOT FAIR!!! i bet i haven't even got to drive that long with all the times ive driven combined!!!