Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Sunsets In Iowa

Well I’ll start on Friday. Friday Derick and Leslie (Alex’s friends from collage) came and stayed with us for the wedding, there cool. And that night was the rehearsal. And the food was awesome. And after rehearsal I took a picture of the sunset and there is an Eagle (Brenny thinks it’s a hawk, but I got in photoshop and looked at it.) it looks so cool.
And then the next day was the wedding, and that was cool and weird. And I hated wearing those cloths. I am not a dress a up kind of person!!!
And then on Sunday we went to a retirement party. And got rained on a lot.
And somebody hid behind Danial (my great aunts son. I don’t know what that would be)
And this somebody (I can’t remember who) said you’re a great shield (he’s wide and tall) and Danial said “yea, until I fart”, it was so funny.

Yesterday (Monday) we went fishing so we could have day to relax. At first we went to Badger and went there at 8:30 and stayed there till 11:30 and caught to fish two fish on bobbers and they were small sunfish so we decided to leave and got to the pond by beaver and when we got there we couldn’t fish there because there was grass growing out of the water, and there was a bunch of pieces of grass. So that was a no go. So then we went over to beaver on a jetty, and at this place there is a drop off. And when we get there my dad throws his pole out there with a bobber and he leaves to go get another pole ready (he allways has three poles) and I say “dad your pole” so he brings a small sunfish in and throws it back out there and he turns around again, and again I say “Dad, your pole”,
So Brenny grabs it and starts realling it in and it took probley five or seven minutes to bring it to were we could see what it was, and then we all yell “Catfish”. So my dad trys to bring it close to the bank, so he could grab it, but once it got in shallow water it just went crazy and started hitting its head on the rocks, and it just bit the line. And we even gave my dad a bucket so he could try and get him in the bucket it was too big to fit in this bucket. Man it was so long.
So then we all go to bobber to try and catch it again. And we weren’t getting anything on lures. But my dad did catch a 13 or 14inch bullhead. But other than that we just caught some small sunfish.
We went to that same spot two years ago and in that year we caught 4 Catfish and 3 Bullheads. And last year only one of each. But all in that same spot.
“So at the end of the day it wasn’t a bust but it wasn’t great fishing either”, that’s what my dad said. But I only caught one fish the whole day, but I had great fishing last time.
After we went fishing I came home and slept.

And I think I’m going paintballing on the 22nd for a father son thing Kevin Queener is setting up.

Here the sunset. I love posting pictures now that i know how to.

Well T2YL.

Monday, June 19, 2006

What A Weekend

Wow, I had a great weekend!!!
First on Saturday we went paintballing, and it was Layne, Alex, Dad, Brenny, Kevin, Josiha, Jesse Parker, Mark, Dan Allen and I.
And on the first game was Layne, Alex, Kevin, Dad and Dan. Against Jesse, Mark, Brenny, Josiah and I.
And on the first game it took along time to get back into my groove, so I run and hide in a bunker and then Brenny and Josiah come over and hide with me, and we’re trying to make a plan and Brenny almost shoots me in the head. And this whole time Dad and Dan are pounding us with paintballs. So we get a plan and Brenny runs and Dan shoots him, and then Josiah runs out and then back to me, so then I run and get shot out. Well we lost that one.
And on the second one, we did really good but still lost because Alex and Layne are really good and it was them against Jesse and Jesse is really good to, but alex and Layne won it for there team.
On the Third one Mark and I teamed up and guarded each other, and I took out my Dad and Dan, and Brenny and Josiah took Kevin out, and Mark got Alex or Layne out and Jesse got out, and some how we won with Mark, Josiah, Brenny and I, And then we won the Forth game to. And then we played a game called, Protect The President, and the object is to get the President (Kevin) with out having a gun, his secret sevice men (Layne, Alex, Dan and I) have to get the president from point A to point B, but we have to protect him from the assians (Jesse, Mark, Josiah and Brenny)(Dad sat this one out),
At the end we won!!! Layne and I were the only ones left at the end.
And then next game we played the same game but Layne, Alex, Dad and I were the assians, and every one else was secret service, we destroyed them, we took out all the there guys so Kevin ran for it and Alex was up on this two story bunker being a snipper, and when Kevin ran for it Alex destroyed him, Alex put a hole in his shirt, and made him do a flip, IT WAS AWESOME!!!! And evin if he would of got past Alex then my Dad was waiting for him!!
And then for the last game it was McGinnis vs everyone else, and we lost, but the ref cheated.
At the end of the fay Brenny almost shot me twice.
The weather was perfect!!!

We’re going back for my birthday, either late July or early August.

Well Yesterday we for Fathers Day we went Fishing out at Badger and I caught a 13inch bass and a huge, thick 16 1/2 inch bass. And then we came home and cleaned them, were going back some time next week, after the wedding!!!
But the worst part is that I lost the lure I was using.

Here they Are.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Bull's Eye

Well on Sunday Alex and I went and wasted some paint (paintballs) because I still had some Co2, and Alex had some paint so we went and wasted it.
So because I was in the mood, I asked Brenny if he wanted to waste some paint and he said “yes”, so we went and wasted it and then we decided to play a real game in the woods, so we each went and loaded up our hopper’s half way up, and then we went out side and got a good distance away from each other and then I said “go”. And I ran towards a tree where I could get down on my knee’s and still have a good open space were I could still see Brenny. And then I just opened fire on brenny, and he said “that they wure just flying right by his head. But then I ran out of paint. So we went and filled our hoppers up to the top. And we switched sides. And we wure both doing good. But then I bent down to hide, and let Brenny run out of paint. But then Brenny hit me in the arm but nothing broke. And then I think he hit me again, but it didn’t break, again. It was awesome. Then Brenny ran out of paint and came and begged for five paintballs and then I finaly caved in and gave him five paintballs. And I decided to stand out in the open and see if Brenny could hit me, and on his last shot he got me. Right in the thigh. But it barely broke!!!

I can’t wait to go paintballing on Saturday. I’m going to have a thousand paintballs once I get down there. I want to shoot Layne in the chest, because he says that he will not be hit that whole time that we are there. I hope it doe’s not rain when we go!!!

Well at the funeral the thing that helped me to get threw it was the fact that I get to see her in heaven. She was a great christian, she led so many people to the Lord!!!


Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Aunt Phillis

Well on Saturday I found out that my great Aunt Phillis died, and the day before my grandma called and said that her body was shutting down.
When my grandma called and said that she had died my Dad said “oo I’m sorry” and my grandma said, “I’m not, she’s in a better place”.
The worst part is that I thiink she starved her self because she wouldn’t eat, she would just spit it out, and one time her daughter Pam came to feed her, and she tasted her food to make shure that it wasn’t nasty, and so Pam tasted it and thought that it was good, and so she gave some to her (Aunt Phillis) and she didn’t spit it out so she (Pam) said “wow mom your doing good” so she gave her some more and then Aunt Phillis spit it all out. She had been storing it in her mouth like a squirrel.

So today is the thing before the funeral, and I was close with my Aunt Phillis so it might be hard for me.
But it was hard for me the last time I saw her, because she was so skinny and she didn’t have very minny teeth and she could barly talk.

She allways gave me state quarters every time she saw me, and she would collect silver dollars for me too.

One time when Aunt Phillis was younger she and one of her friends wure playing cards and her friend cussed and Aunt Phillis said if you ever cuss again I will wash your mouth out with soap, so later her friend let it slip again and Aunt Phillis grabbed her by the ear into the bath room and sat on her and washed her mouth out with soap. True story.

I can’t wait to see her in heaven!!!!!!!!!