Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Well it’s been along time, but I’m back. On Firday Cahlen came over and we hung out. And on Saturday it started out with us going to the Mens Meeting, and I did something that is WAY out of my comfort zone!!! And after the Mens Meeting I weed wacked, and my dad was the one who said “you should go weed wack”, so I did and when I was done he didn’t like it that I weed wacked in my good tenny shoes, and I said “you said I should go weed wack”. And I was doing it in the rain, and it isn’t a good Idea to weed wack in the rain when you’re sweating!!! I had a million bug bites. And then we went home and got ready to go to Mariah’s graduation cermony. And then to get some stuff for the Hog Roast, and then to Mariahs graduation reception, and hung out there for a while, and then went home.
On Sunday after church we came home and I slept for an hour, and then we went to the Hog Roast, and the food was good (like allways), but not a lot of people stayed because it was so hot, and after eating Cahlen, Alex and I played a game of football against 12 little kids (we did some good plays) And then when the both teams were tied (they got the first point) and they said that it wasn’t fare, we said that there was 4 of them for every one of us. Now I think that’s fare. So we got 2 got two of there players, and they got Tom, and it wasn’t fare then, so then we made a rule that Tom could not run the ball from the start.
And then we went over and played volleyball (I love volleyball), I’m not very good. I like being on Laynes team. I wish I could play it more.
And then later Cahlen had a bottle of water and would put water in the lid and dump it on people (teens), and then later to get Cahlen back, Leah, Lisa and Natasha dumped water and ice down his back. And then this whole thing (water war) broke out and some how I got in-volved with it. And they (Natasha) got me good because Cahlen was gone. But I’m going to get them back goo!!!!!!!
And on Monday we put up our pool, and got ready for the new floor.
And Last night we went and saw "Over The Hedge", that is an awesome movie if you have time to go see it, GO SEE IT.

Well that all I got, so bye.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Wow it’s been along time since the last time to post. I really haven’t had anyhting to post about, but now I do!!!

Well lets start on Friday, so Friday was the youth camp out, and Layne said that there was a pond there and I was like “sweet” So when I got there I went and threw my pole in and after about ten casts I caught a 13-14in bass but man it was a pain in the butt to get it out of the water, because I was in this really hard spot to fish, so after I caught the bass I moved over to a more open spot and then when I was casting my jig got caught in a tree and I lost my favorite jig.
Later in the night we played Capture The Flag and it was Kevin’s youth group vs ours, Layne, Alex and I were like the ultimate guards, and then we had Shane join our elite force, and we were the most ultimate elite force ever. So then after capturing 4 or 5 of there guys, Layne, Alex and I went out to get there flag, and we snuck all the way around the back of there flag, and then Alex and Layne find out that the game was over and didn’t tell me, so I snuck all the way down to 10-15 feet in front of every body and the fire and hear Layne talking so I come out of hidding, and then about 10-15min later Alex and Cahlen come out and say “where have you been” and so I told them. And that was the second time they did that because earlyer they couldn’t find me, and the whole time I was just up by the house.
Man I was tired that night, I just kept sitting in a chair and talking to Cahlen and then everybody would come over and sit by us, and that makes it hard to fall asleep, and a couple of times I tried to go to sleep and Cahlen kept knocking the chair over (he did it a couple of times) so finally I just layed on the ground. And then some time between 2:00 and 3:00 everybody went to sleep, and I was fine with that. I slept by the fire and so did Cahlen, and as Cahlen would everyone else came over there just because we were there, I think it was just because it was by the fire.
And at the camp out somebody took my pillow and used it, and then left it there.
But over all the camp out was a blast!!!

On Saturday I slept for about two hours and then that night Layne asked me if I wanted to go fishing and I was like “heck ya” but when we got there it wasn’t very good fishing I caught, 3 fish, and Layne caught 1, all of them were bass.
Layne's awesome to go fishing with, Layne allways makes me laugh, I mean it's impossible to not laugh with him.

Man it’s hot out, I want to put up our pool so bad, but because of all the stuff we’re doing (mostly wedding stuff, and some house re-modeling) I don’t think we will for a while

O man I took an awesome picture to day, I mean it is just so cool. I wish I knew how to post pictures so that I could show you, because I know most of you are probably saying, it probably sucks!!! But it doesn’t!! I made it the screen saver on the computer.

Well that’s all I got.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I love the rain!!!

WOW, it is so much fun to fish in the rain!!! Last night (Monday) Layne & sara came out, so Sara and my mom could do some wedding stuff and Layne asked me and Brenny if we wanted to go fishing and we said shure. So we packed up and we went to the pond that we allways go to. And when we got there, it started to sprinkle a little bit, and we said o the fish should be bitting, but they weren’t, so Brenny go’s to the other side of the pond, and then Layne pulls out a 13-14 inch bass and then Brenny pulls out a 11-12 inch bass. But then Brenny comes over puts it in this metel net thing, and tells us how he caught it, he was lifting up his shirt and doing some kind of a dance and song. Layne and me made so many jokes!!! We think the fish thought Brenny was submitting to the fish!!! And then me and Layne weren’t catching thing for while so we went over to the side that Brenny was on, (Because on Saturday Layne, Sara, Mariah, Alex and I went over to the pond and to the spot where Brenny was and we were catching them Ok) so we go over there, and then about 5min later it starts raining good and as soon as it doe’s Layne gets a fish and 2 seconds later I get a fish!!! And were gettinf them off and then Brenny gets a bit so were all getting them off I throw mine back out there and BOOM I got another one but as soon as I get it out of the water its mouth ripped (5 times that happened, Layne kept giving me crap that I lost five fish) and by this time it is raining HARD!!! Layne and I want to go the next time it rains!!!

We went fishing Thursday too and we had some Ok fishing, I had great fishing!!! I caught a 16-inch crappie it was BIG.
Saturday night was OK fishing.

I love jigs!!! I hate bobbers, I can’t beleave that I used to use bobbers!!!

OK doe’s anybody use there blogs any more but Kim and Alex And the new bloggers?

Conner/Gentle Giant

Monday, May 01, 2006


Ok, yesterday the youth group went ice-skating. And man is it hard!!! Karen Helgren is really good.
I’m really bad. Layne is pretty good. It’s harder than normal skating!!! But it was fun!!!
And I only hurt my self in one spot, my arm. O man does it hurt. And one time Sara pushed me to the ground, twice!!!
O and I kicked Cahlens but at chess!!! Before we left for the ice rink me and Cahlen played some chess and every body stood around and watched and it was so funny. They must have been very bord. And then when we came back Cahlen and I played some more chess and again every one watched us again. It was funny!!!

O I can’t wait, in three weeks I think the youth is going to do a camp out. And that will be my last youth event with out Brenny. But Brenny is trying to push his way in.

Well today is my arm thingy. At the skating party every one was feeling it, and saying how weird it is!!!
I wonder if it will ever go away!!!

And I now have a mypraize. What is a mypraize you ask? Mypraize is a christain myspace. But right now there in a lawsuit because some says they came up with mypraize first. So it’s going all wack, the blogs don’t work and the chatrooms don’t work.
And some times it locks you out of all the editing stuff while you’re in it. Or something like that.
O and my address is
But I’m not done editing it yet and getting it all worked out.

O and Angie Queener got a blog. Its on my on links.
