Wednesday, August 23, 2006

To Minnisota And Back

Well our vacation started on Sunday after church, we left around 3:00 and got to minniapolis around 7:30-8:00 and I got to drive for 2 hours. And then we got to my uncle hoops and had Dinner and then went to sleep, and then in the morning we woke up at 5:30 and then left at 7:30 and drove for five hours, and I got to drive for 3 hours, and then my dad drove to the resort, and once we got to the resort it was 1:00 and we couldn’t chech in until 3:00 so brenny went swimming because they (the people who owned the resort) said that we could go and eat lunch on the beach, so brenny went swimming, and he swam to a floating dock and I tuck pictures of him. And they (the resort) had a canoe, a kayak so brenny and I took the canoe out to this island that was along way out there, and then brenny took the kayak out and then I did!! And that kayak is so much fun!! And then we got to get into our cabin and so we unpacked and then we went fishing and I caught 1 crappie and 2 northern pike, and the pike are so much fun, but the crappie fought hard!! And at the end of the day I was the only one that caught fish that day and the next day we woke up at 5:00 (on Thursday) and went fishing and I caught 3 more northern’s and then we went in for lunch and then went back out and need some bug spray so we went back and I decided to fish off the dock when they went and got the bug spray and I caught 1 more northern, and then we went back out and I lost my lure with a spinner on it because I found out that they were bitting on anything with a spinner on it!!! That I caught all my fish on, and then we went drifting and my mom caught 1. And then we weren’t and then my dad got one and it was the biggest one we caught it was 24 inchs and my dad thought there was a limit but at the lake we were at there was no limit on northern’s and we threw back all the one’s but the Crappie I caught, and it had a lot of meat on it. And on the next day we woke at 5:00 and went fishing again but caught nothing again, and when we came back everyone went inside and I kept fishing and and found our last spinner and put it on a fake a rubber fish and caught 4 more fish off the dock. But I lost the spinner. And the day before we went to a town and got another lure and that same day I lost it on some lilly pads and then the next day brenny was in the kayak and found the lure I lost. And then on Firday we went on a fun boat ride. And on Wedsday my dad let Brenny and I drive the boat, that was fun!! And Then on Friday we had to be out of the cabin at 9:00, so then we went back to my uncle hoops and then on Saturday we stopped at Cabela’s (I think that’s how it’s spelled) and stayed there for an hour, and on the way to the cabin we stopped at another Cabelas and at the first one (which is the second one I wrote about) there was a shooting range and that was fun!!
And I got to drive 3 hours home, all the way home from the second (that’s the first one I wrote about) cabela’s, we got some stuff at both Cabelas.

I will try to post some pictures of the resort on my next post!!

Well I got to, Brenny, Dad and I are going to go play some basketball.bye,
Conner McGinnis

(i wrote all this yesterday)


.... said...

OO and on vacation when went into this town where the population was 59 people and Brenny said "man Lisa's family could be this town" and i said "with all the people Lisa's related too Lisa's family would way over populate this place"!!!!

I just thought that was kind of funny!!!

Anonymous said...

yeah i dont think that half my family from my dad's side would fit in there!!! do u no wat town it was???

Anonymous said...

ooo yeah i forgot to rite a comment that said 'UR NOT FAIR STILL'!!!