Thursday, July 13, 2006


Well on Thursday (the 6th) we went over to Jeremy & Jessica’s house for dinner, and Jeremy made some killer pork loins (I think that’s what they were), it was so moist.
And on Thursday I went fishing at this pond that is behind us and I went over there and went fishing and caught four large mouthed bass but it was so cool because I could see the fish smiwwimg in front of me, I can’t wait for it to cool down so I can go back.

And then the next night (7th) we went over to the edgecombs for dinner and they made some awesome pork chops, it was fun, and they got some great stories.

Sunday was the pool party and that was fun, but after the pool party we went to the aquatics center that night and that was a lot of fun!! I love the red slide!! But the stupid thing is that the diving board was closed, and the diving board is my favorite thing.

And then on Tuesday I went to Cahlens for the night and day, we went swimming unttil 1:10.

And My Dad signed me up for these classes at the apple store (in two weeks). And the classes are for how to work iweb, (I’v never used I web). I wanted to do the classes on how to do imovie (I know how to us imovie just very fast) but it was all filled up.


Thursday, July 06, 2006

I'm So Glad I'm Homeschooled

Well on Saturday Layne, Brenny, Dad and I went golfing. And O man I got so mad a couple (a lot more than a couple) of times. But it was fun. I just love golf!!!
But the funny part is that my dad and I had the same score. And on Thursday Layne and Sara came over and watched Alex and Mariah open there Wedding presents. Kathy and Aaron came over to. But after they were done opening their gifts Layne, Alex, Dad, Brenny and I went outside and started hitting some golfballs and Layne sayed that I have the same form as my dad. So I thought it was pretty funny when he and I had the same score. And on every hole we had either the same number of hits or one away. But at the end of the day Layne had fifty. Brenny had fifty-five. And my dad and I with seventy.

On Sunday at youth we had a thing for the birthdays (and graduations) of this month and the last. But heres the funny part they forgot my birthday. And my birthday is this month!!!

On Monday my dad took a day off and we had a workday. So for our workday my dad and I dug out half of our small retaining wall about five feet down because it bowed out. And we did that all day. But I liked it because I got a good sweat. My dad thought I was going to pass out because my chest hurt.

On Tuesday (4th of July) Layne and Sara came over for lunch and then after lunch we went miniture golfing, or as some people call it “putt putt” and that was fun. Brenny won. He’s an awesome putter. I’m so much of a thinker, so I would go the wrong way just so I could use the hills.
And then we came home and for an hour and then went to Waukee for fireworks. They were cool but weren’t as long this year.
But before they started Dad, Brenny and I went to go get drinks at this like big group thing were all these people hang out. And when we were in line these teens got in line behind us and they were really loud. And when they were talking, they were talking about one this guys friends started going to church (I was like that’s cool) but now he can’t cuss around him, and he was saying these words that that he can’t say around him and these two girls (they totally reminded me of Lisa and Tahsa, because of how they looked, not because of what they were saying) that he was talking to were telling him words that he can use instead of cuss words and words with GOD in them.
And they were talking about all these partys and alcahol.
And latter we were talking about what they said, “ I am so glad that I’m homeschooled”
And when we were talking about where we went on the ride home, Dad and I both said that we felt like we were in an evil place because of all the alcohal and music, and all the people, and what the people were doing. It just felt wrong to be there.

But when we were there the guy said to the girls you two are short, and they said but were girls, and he said these to guys up here (me and my dad) are tall, the girls said “they look like giants to us” (that’s whhy they reminded me of Tasha and Lisa). That was awesome.

Hope to post soon.