Saturday, November 24, 2007

high speed

so right now i'm at my grandpa and grandma's, we are having thanksgiving on saturday with them. yesterday we went shopping all day and got a bunch of shopping done. and on thanksgiving day we had my moms side of the family out. and layne brought his xbox and one of the controllers was busted so i was trying to fix it and so i was using duck tape and i had it work but then one of the cords came indone will i was using it and i had ducktaped it around all ready so it stopped working and then i bit the ducktape, yes you read that right i bit it and i shocked me and felt so wierd my gums were a little black... so then alex said let me try and work on it while you cool off, so alex started working it and finale got it all right and said i think i got it, so brenny grabbed the cord and plugged it in and at that very moment alex tried moving something on it and HE got SHOCKED, and we were laughing so hard, but the controller did work so we played after luch until 6 at night and then we watched shreck 3.
Right now i'm online posting with high speed and it is so awesome, i think i'm in love!! it is so stinking fast, it so rocks.
