Tuesday, September 04, 2007

All In All

Ok I’m posting again.
This is going to be a short post but a post nonetheless.
So our family went on the day casting crowns was there. But that day my mom’s cousin’s friend had an extra ticket and offered it to me. But I said no because I don’t really know that guy. But later that night we were stand out side the stadium or what ever it is, because we were going to listen to the concert out side. But when we were heading to where we were meating my mom’s cousin, we ran into mike and jannessa Lock (they were there with a group of teenagers from a camp thing), and they said thay had an extra ticket, and I wasn’t going to go because if it lasted late and everything, but then I talked to my mom & dad and I decided to go, and I was so glad I did because it was awesome, o so so AWESOME, Tree63 was so cool. One of the really cool things about Casting Crowns was the sort of preaching that the lead singer of Casting crowns did. I think I liked what he said so much because he was like youth pastor or something.
The whole concert was awesome.

And nothing else has really happened. Except lots of fishing.

O and for my birthday I got two gerbils. When I was looking at them, at petsmart the guy who was helping us asked if I wanted to hold the rat and dad said to go hold, so I did and I was expecting it’s tail to feel really weird when it was running up my arm, but it didn’t.
But I didn’t get one because they just look weird, and there RATS!!
But when I got my gerbils I got to and when I got them home they wouldn’d stop fight and they got into a fight and one of them started bleeding. So that night I had to one of them in my trash can with some bedding. And the next day we took them back and I got to different one’s. And one is black with a white stripe down its neck and the other on is white. And I haven’t named them yet, I have some ideas for names, but I can’t decide, so if you have any ideas for names please tell me.
