Friday, November 03, 2006


Ok, hey everybody, I know I haven’t posted in a while, but I have been kind of busy.
Well yesterday we went to the doctor for my arm, you know that bump on my arm!!
And they said that if I don’t get surgery on my arm then my arm might not grow and my other arm will, or my arm bend and stay like that forever, and because the lump is there I cant bend my wrist one way and the other way I can bend it to far. So we are going to go have another opion from another doctor.
And at youth Layne said that ATF has been moved to Apirl, and now I see that, that was a good thing because If ATF was still in Apirl I would have a cast then or I would be in recovery.
So we think I would have surgery sometime in January, and I would have a cast on for 6 weeks of having it on, and 2 or 4 weeks of recovery.
But the worst part is I won’t beable to do my school.
And when we were at the doctor, the doctor said that I have more to grow.

Conner McGinnis.