Monday, September 18, 2006

I Need A Cappichino

Well, sorry it’s been so long since I last posted, but just haven’t wanted too!!

Well I’ll try to start back up!!
Well last week we went to Adventure land, and we as in Dad, Mom, Brendon, joseph, Cahlen and my self.
Went after the marriage breakfast, and when we got there the first ride we went on, was the pirate ship one and for some reason that made my stomach hurt the rest of the day, so after every ride we went on my stomoch would hurt!! Which really stunk because that takes a lot of fun out of the sidewinder!! And all the roller coasters, it stunk!!!
And one of my favorite rides was the Invertor, and I have never been on it before, and we go every year because my dad can get free tickets from his work!! And every year Brenny and Alex would go on all the rides they saw!! And I would not!! So this year I went on some new rides (atleast they were new to me), like the first year they got the side winder, Alex and Brenny went on it and I did not, but the next year I did!! And it was so much fun!! And we go to the circus every year, and this year we were a little late (15-20 minutes late) so we missed some of the stuff, but the stuff we did see was cool!!
And Cahlen and I got bored waiting in line, so we would say yes, no, yes no for a reason, that now is really stupid, but it was fun at that time (it was nothing bad). And when we waiting in line for the Dragon (which is really fun) these to girls came up and said “can we pass, our mom is up there”, and Cahlen went “ NO you have to wait in the back of the line like everybody else” and they started to walk away, and then I saw there mom coming and I said “there’s the mom” and at that very moment Cahlen said “ I’m just kidding”, there face’s were so funny!!!
And when we were there Cahlen had a gyro, and Cahlen gave me a little piece of the meat and there was a little bit of sauce on it and it was so GOOD!!!
And my dad and me did the speed ball game, and neither of us wanted to look stupid so we did not do any thing close to a pitcher’s stance. We just through it. And I got 53 mph and Dad got 43 or 46mph.
And the last thing that happened, was Cahlen, Brenny and joseph went on the splash over, and I couldn’t because I was still not feeling good, And when they were waiting in line, it started to rain, and my mom didn’t like because she was getting really wet!!!
And I found out, that glasses stink when it’s raining!! I just kept cleaning them, and then I decided that I was just going to let them get covered in water!! And after we left Adventure land we went to somewhere, were we could get a hot chocolate, but I mixed it with a cappichino and I handled just fine!! I say that because last two times I had a cappichino I went crazy, I could not stay still, and I was talking a mile a minute!!!

And these past few weeks we have been working on Layne & Sara’s house, getting ready for the twins, and Dad and I have been really been working hard, because mom and Brenny have been doing the painting, and dad and I have been doing stuff like splitting the one big room into two rooms, and Edgy and has been helping out!! Edgy did the framing for us, so Dad and I went and hung dry wall on Saturday and did a few more things!!

And Cahlen, Brenny and I have started puppets back up. And Cahlen and I are kind of in charge of it!!

And Sunday we had youth again, and it was cool to have youth again!! Something is just wrong when there isn’t youth!! And it’s the same with the bible! There is just something wrong when I don’t read my bible!!
But I didn’t like it because Layne had me read out loud, and I can’t stand to do that because it is out of my comfort zone!! And even though Layne is allways saying we need to step out of our comfort zone!! And it’s a lot harder then it seem’s, well atleast for me!!

Well I got to go, so bye